Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 279: The Map

Chapter 279: The Map

"It would seem everything has gone to your plan," Loki joyfully said, "Midgard is now a wasteland. while Thor alongside Tyr and Baldur has descended."

"And would it not be better for you to be with them?" Freya solemnly expressed, tapping her fingers against her crossed arms, "Would they not be suspicious?"

"So you are a God of Mischief now?" Loki mocked, "Arsene shouted for my help. Everyone knows I am working with him. So unless you wish me to leap into the lion\'s den fuck off!"

Stepping between the two of them, shooting each other death stares, Oliva frowned, "Stop this madness; you too are Gods acting like children. What we need to do now is think of our next step. Do we attack, or do we wait? I am not sure about you all, but I was not apprised of any plans as of yet." She expressed, pushing the two gods apart.

"Olivia is correct," I told from high upon my blacken thone crossing my legs while my regalia slept upon my head, glistering with hellish intent. "Now is not the time to argue! We are pressed for time. Have anyone of you two seen Hiendall as of late?"

"No, he vanished five years ago. However, such things are not surprising," Freya voiced, turning her back to Loki in loathing, "He has always been reclusive. When Odin lived, he was gone for thousands of years at a time."

"I see," I whispered, gripping my armrest, "Tell me than Freya, where are the other Vanir\'s?"

Descending in silence, the air slowly grew stale. Lifting my head high, I simply waited for a reply that would not come.

"So it would seem you are alone," Oliva muttered in amusement.

"Alone? Far from it, I already knew Freya\'s family would not help, and that has always been within the equation. Espeassly with the interference of Nox. They are there now, are they now?"

"They are, and my father, Nj?rd, is helping them." The woman in question weakly explained, turning her head away," he..."

"Drop the act, Freya; While I am not a God, I am no fool." I snapped, clenching my fist, "It would take an idiot not to see you accepted an offer on both sides. Simply based upon your intelligence and grace, I know you rule in secret."

"Arsene, please, "Freya defended, "I stayed with Odin for a very long time. Bore him a child even, and you think the Vanir\'s would just accept my rule? Even in secret."

"Yes," I coldly stated as a fact, "You most definitely would, but I do not blame you, Freya. Not when the closest people to me are demons from the Nines. Nothing has changed. My uncle once said there are more than one ways to skin a cat, and with your nameless interference, all I need to do is change up how things are done."

Revealing a devilish smile, Loki chuckled, "Maybe you are a God of Trickery. Playing both sides for your benefit." he said, eyeing the seductive goddess." Maybe I need to start upping my game, tricked by Hiemdel, and now it seems Freya is causing more trouble than I."

"Please, from all I know, I would hazard a guess you have your own plans... A little bird told me of you approaching the Serpent about a year ago. "I lightly address sending all eyes upon the trickster.

"A bird?

"Yes, a bird," I repeated.

"Yet you do not seem the least bit angry or even surprised?" Loki Solemly remarked.

Resting my head back, I gaze up towards the moon bearing down upon me, its light still strong and vibrant, "The same reason I was not surprised by Freya\'s double-dipping. I work with Demons Loki. Even if they worship me like a king, at their root, they are from my blood. They crave chaos. And what you and Freya are doing is well within the scope of activities I see my demons doing in their own politics."

"So you wish for us to betray you?" Freya inquired with a disturbed face. Looking at it for the first time like she was not acting.

"You are free to betray because I have already seen it. Now it would seem we have gotten a little off track. Let\'s get down to business; five years ago, I stole a map from an organization. They are currently within my prison cells, but even they do not understand how they even came to acquire this map. I was hoping you would."

"A map?" Said Loki as I waved my hand, summoning a small animal skin map. "You assembled us for a map?

"Quite right, I had many looked throughout Midgard, but I would need another thousand more years to search all of Midgard. The realm of man is massive; while humans break like glass, they breed like rats. Changing the lands year after year. " I lightly heartily stated, silencing the trickster as he, along with Freya, stared at the map.

"I know of this place; it is a temple created by Idun in remembrance of her only daughter Astrid," Freya confirmed, causing my expression to twist. Feeling, my very soul, begin to turn with rage. I shut my eyes, trying to get a grip.

Sitri, you truly are a son of a bitch. How many souls did you gift the Nines to push me into this little spot? But I will play along, your plot... It will not go as you think.

"Where is it?" I questioned with a smile. A smile that shook the hearts of everyone who gazed upon it.

"on the opposite side of Midgard, deep within a nameless valley... I will create a portal for you." Freya cautiously said, "Anyway, was this all you wanted?"

"Yes, I have everything in order." I stated, observing the glint of disappointment within Freya," You all are free to come and go anytime, not that you need my permission."

"But it\'s always nice to have it!" Freya seductively hummed, kissing the air towards me, vanishing from my sights. While a rainbow color vortex suddenly appeared from the very spot she teleported from.

Snapping my fingers, a faceless appeared. Bowing in reverence, he stepped through the portal, causing the vortex to condense and close.

"I shall also go, always entertaining speaking with you, Arsene..."

"Not so fast Loki, I have a rather special mission for you." I lightly stated, sending a deep glance towards Olivia.

Snorting, she turned around, stepping out of my throne room. Arching my lips, I tossed the God of Mischief a letter with the emblem of my Elder ring engraved upon it.

"A letter how old school I did not think you even knew how to write!" Loki jeered with a smile. However, it all quickly faded as he began reading.


"Yes, do you like it?"

"Ygg will kill you!" Loki warned, "You have already angered her with those flames. Do not take her silence as weakness; she is a cruel woman. One was already within her tolerance more; however, is another story."

"And here I thought you were a god of mischief. How can you cause chaos if you do not step on people\'s toes?"

Bursting into laughter, Loki\'s nodded, clenching his stomach with tears upon his cheeks, "Fine, then I shall be leaving. I truly look forward to the chaos you will show me. It will seem a realm war is not the same if it\'s only upon one realm. Forgive me, Ygg, but this is too good!"


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