Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 259: War is Comming

Chapter 259: War is Comming

"Are you sure you have to leave so soon?" I complained, gently touching her lips with mine.

"un, I do; I have been distracted, but the Blade that helped me Battle Against Aldrich was from the Abyss. I have yet even to scratch the surface of its power, but I am sure there is more within the Abyss for me. I tend to travel only for a week. After that, I will return to Hallr."

Sighing in annoyance, I backed away as Lilith giggled, "No need to be so glum, I should be back soon. Also, Ezra sent good and Bad News. An Army of ten Million is on its way. She wants to open all the Bridges of Midgard and turn the entire realm into chaos."

"Worry about the abyss. I will deal with Ezra," I whispered as she nodded, kissing my lips.

"Take care, and try not to kill my servants!" Said Lilith as she vanished from my sight.

Turning to the four abyssal being glaring, I smiled. "All of you, take my arm," I commanded.

Complying with my request Elsa was the first to take ahold of my palm smiling in glee, while Ava timidly took the other, her face still a light shade of crimson. Victoria and Falis were a little difficult, but they understood my intent as they took hold of Ava and Elsa respectfully.

Teleporting everyone into hallr, my eyes grew wide, and an intense heat consumed my body. When the hysterical screams of Silvia entered my ears, \'AHAHA BURN BURN BURN YOU FOOLS!!!"

Staring with widening eyes at the city of flames, I gasped as a demonic goddess, and Flaming one flew towards me with a large smile.

"What the hell happen to Hallr?" I questioned as I gazed at the hell that was this city.

Five massive pits larger than many mountains could be seen with black fire pouring out of them. At the same time, the entire structure of the city had changed from what I once saw. It was a pure jet black metal that appeared to ignore the very flames of this city. It was a little modern, but the poor roots of Hallr were still present.

"I love this fucking city now! LOOK AT THOSE FLAMES. I JUST WANT TO BATHE IN IT!!!" Silvia roared in bliss. Watching the drool slipping down her cheeks, I backed away. Why the hell is it always like this. I am fucking cursed. A damn pyromaniac, a stocker, and a woman who is literally the goddess of madness.

"Ezra, those flames," I whispered as she nodded,

"Yes, we needed a fuel source, and what better than the flames at fuel themselves over and over. A few billion died, and their souls are now being used to keep the Flames of Aamon Alive.

"Those that are still alive we left alone to their own devices." Ezra explained with pride, "I have rooted out many organizations, and once Mare and Anya finished crafting the formation to summon Lord Aamon Flames last month, we were totally set!"

"What of Drulan and everyone else?" I asked in shock.

"What of them? While you were out, I thought about it and said fuck it. While the struggle was important to me. I needed to stay alive during this damn war. So I did this. They are still alive somewhere; I haven\'t touched them. They are free to do as they like in my kingdom. Although they are quite angry. "

"This looks like the fucking Apocalypse. " I whispered as Ezra nodded with pride.

"Hey, that\'s the point. Everything within this city has meaning, from the five flaming pits. That could change into twenty-five different formations to the entire city structure that is now just a big ass formation. Everything is set. We are ready for war! My city, Aze, will be known as the Flaming Apocalypse by all, for the eternal screams of my enemies will continue to echo." Ezra screamed like a fucking edge lord basking in her own glory.

"And what of the king?" I asked.

"What of him? If he doesn\'t get his court in check, he will be our enemies. He is still coming, but whether he will be our ally will be a different story."

"Ezra, I do not say this much, but fuck, this is amazing. You did a wonderful job." I honestly complimented, patting her head.

Knocking my hand away, Ezra scrunched her nose, "Don\'t pet me like a dog."

Arching my lips, I smirked; however, neither Victoria nor Elsa were as joyful as I or Ezra as her face continue to pale at the screams echoing like bells from the Pits of Aamon.

Turning to the innocent abyssal creatures that were far too pure for my liking, I snickered, "Ezra, I have a mission for you. You are to take care of these four. Pull your magic and get them to use to such screams. I want that disgusting innocence emanating from them died. The child is also not exempted. Toss his ass into the pits if you need to. Just make sure they stay alive. "

"Screw you, Arsene! "Shouted Victoria, "What does it matter if we are innocent by your standards? Will you torture all those that you turn?"

"No, but you abyssal creatures are different. While you seem normal, I assure you none of you are. Feared by both demons and Devils. How can I not mold such weapons like you?"

"So we are nothing more than weapons?" Said Elsa

"Call it what you want. Weapons, slaves, toys, it doesn\'t matter. At least it doesn\'t to me. Lilith has allowed you free will. So enjoy what you can, for once the war starts, you will be in the front lines."

"And of my parents, Master killed?"

Turning to the little pink-headed girl, my smile vanished. Lifting her chin, I glared into her pupils " They may battle alongside you all one day. Midgard is only the beginning. However, whether you get to see them once more or not is up to you."

Pushing me away, tears ran like acid down her cheeks, bringing crimson. "You are so cruel... I thought you liked me. I thought you loved Asterion."

"Oh, I do, my dear, for they shall return one day. They will bring the darkness to the light, shattering the hopes of those that hold fate, and ride the Pale Riders blade across the omniverse in my name. Asterion is no more; there is only Veavictus!." I whispered towards the ashen skies.

"The Time of Blood and Ash is upon us. War is Coming!"

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