Upgrade Specialist in Another World

Chapter 1188: The Calamity of the Crafting School!

“Haha, you’re finally back, Yunfei. How’s your friend?” Li Chengfeng smiled.

“Ah...he’s fine. He’ll probably awake in a few days.” Bai Yunfei strode forward to greet his friend, “What brings you here?”

“I was on my way to the Crafting School when I heard news of what happened here. I remembered you mentioning the daughter of your headmaster was a student here, so I figured the Crafting School would send people here. Since I was in the province, I definitely thought I should come over. I just never thought it’d be over by the time I got here. I also didn’t think you’d be here too.”

“A Soul Emperor coming here isn’t a small matter. You and headmaster Murong were both indisposed, so I and another elder from the Water School came to meet him. We invited him in once we realized who he was.” Xiao Binzi supplemented.

“I see...” Bai Yunfei nodded, “Then are Ruofeng and Ruoling with you too?”

“Ling’er didn’t like me taking them everywhere with me, so both children were left behind with her. She’s pregnant so the extra company would be nice.”

“When is she expecting?”

“In three months, the sixteenth of the eighth month.”

“Why that date?”

“That’s what master predicted.”

Bai Yunfei was silent for a second as he thought about how even the birth date of a child could be predicted by someone of the Fate School.

“If I’m not remembering things wrong, don’t we still have ten or so days until our promise?” Bai Yunfei asked, “You being here in the Clear Blue Province must mean...you still need to go somewhere for your other plans?”

The smile faded away from his lips, “That’s not it. I actually decided to come find you a little earlier since I was feeling a little worried...”

“Worried?” Bai Yunfei cocked an eyebrow, “About what?”

A stern grimace appeared on Li Chengfeng’s face. “Yunfei. The Crafting School...will suffer from calamity!”


Bai Yunfei wasn’t the only shocked on. Xiao Binzi was staring suspiciously at Li Chengfeng now too.

“Calamity?! Young friend...what do you mean by that?!” Xiao Binzi immediately asked.

“Half a month ago, I returned to the Fate School and talked to my master about what happened. Because of the three month promise, my master decided to consult with fate. We were horrified to see a result of ‘great disaster’! My master consulted with fate again and again after that, but the results remained unchanged. The arts of our school cannot tell the details of the event, for fear of tampering with fate too much, so we were forced to stop...

“A few days later my master attempted one last try after some extraordinary circumstances. We were able to learn something from that. We learned...the date of when your Crafting School will suffer that calamity!”

Both Bai Yunfei and Xiao Binzi looked extremely grim as they listened to Li Chengfeng speak.

“I can offer some solace. While there will be calamity, I fail to see signs of a calamity of death. There are still over ten days until that day, but...that is just a prediction. Whether or not it’ll be before or after those ten days, I’m not sure. But that’s why I came early to find you. I am confident that the Crafting School will be able to avert major disaster if you are well prepared.”

Li Chengfeng said that the school would survive, but Bai Yunfei was still feeling extremely panicked about it. Who could possibly remain calm after hearing that? The Crafting School was his home. His friends, masters, and lover all lived there!!

“We’re going back at once!!’ Bai Yunfei flew to his feet.

Xiao Binzi nodded in agreement, “There’s no time to lose. We’ll explain to headmaster Murong and return at once!”

At that moment a young man dressed in blue came walking into the courtyard. It was Zhao Xiluo.

“Elder Xiao, Yunfei, the headmaster heard a friend from the Fate School was here and asked me to invite you all.”

“What timing, we were just on our way to see headmaster Murong.” Li Chengfeng rose to his feet as well.


“What?! The Crafting School will experience trouble?!”

Murong Xiao shouted out loud from within the main halls.

Bai Yunfei nodded. “It is a prediction, but one made by the current headmaster of the Fate School, senior Ge Yiyun. Given the matter, we request to return to our school at once.”

“I’ll send some Soul Kings with you. If someone dares accost the Crafting School then the Water School will lend our strength!”

But Bai Yunfei shook his head. “That won’t be necessary, headmaster Murong. Your esteemed school has just survived a harsh battle. Many of your school members are injured and aren’t yet ready to fight again. But we appreciate your willingness to help us.”

It was true. Over half of the members from the Water School were injured something fierce. Not even Murong Xiao or Xu Yuanying were considered to be back to full health. Fighting another intense battle would be detrimental to their health. The Water School would be dangerously unprotected even if a few Soul Kings were to follow Bai Yunfei and Xiao Binzi back to the Crafting School. Knowing that, Bai Yunfei couldn’t in good conscious accept their help.

“I...” Murong Xiao looked ashamed. “To be unable to help our benefactors after being helped. Truly, I feel ashamed...”

Bai Yunfei smiled. “Please don’t think that way, headmaster Murong. My friend Zheng Kai is still in the care of your esteemed school.”

“You may rest assured, we will do all that we can to help him recover as quickly as possible.”

“Then we shall continue this conversation another time. We will be taking our leave now!”


Bai Yunfei and his group left the Water School shortly after that to head straight for the Crafting School. Bai Yunfei didn’t even say goodbye to Kou Tingting since she was too busy taking care of Zheng Kai. It was better this way. Even if she wasn’t taking care of him, she’d be in danger if she wanted to come back with them to the Crafting School. The Water School was the best place for her.

The Core Stone was used to teleport everyone toward the Crafting School the moment they left the grounds of the Water School. Teleporting again and again, they made considerable progress until Bai Yunfei had to stop and take a break. They’d continue the rest of the way by flying with Bai Yunfei recuperating in the Core World while Xiao Binzi held the Core Stone.


Inside the Core World, Bai Yunfei sat on top of a mountain peak to recover his soulforce.

“Yunfei, there’s a matter I’d like to request your help with.”

Li Chengfeng’s voice spoke into Bai Yunfei’s mind.

Opening his eyes, Bai Yunfei watched as Li Chengfeng approached him. “Request is a strong word to use between us, what is it?”

“That method you have to make soul armaments stronger...”

“The Equipment Upgrade Technique.”

“Yes, that. There’s a soul armament I’d like for you to upgrade for me.”

“Oh?” Bai Yunfei smiled, “Of course then. What kind of soul armament?”

A small golden compass appeared in Li Chengfeng’s hand. It was a strange soul armament at a glance.

“This one,” He handed it to Bai Yunfei, “could you see if this can be upgraded, Yunfei?”

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