Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 853 853 A Century

Chapter 853 Chapter 853 A Century

"All in a good night\'s work." Our bored gamer whispered to himself as he looked at the sleeping beauty beside him. This woman was of course none other his maidservant Tian Xun.

They had spent the majority of the night together and were sleepless in the duration.

It did not need telling that our avid gamer has indeed broken the seal of intimacy between him and Tian Xun.

And judging from the lovely smile on the woman\'s face even while she was deep asleep, Clark has indeed delivered a most memorable experience for a first timer like Tian Xun.

"And the best is yet to come." Clark smiled and rewarded some sleep in the aftermath.

Normal humans could really not fathom the immensity of living together for thousands upon thousands of years. Not so for our very own protagonist.

* * *

"I dedicate my life to you, Lady Jian!"

"Please use me as you will! Even if..." A man vowed with full of passion.

"BANG!" Alas, the last of his remains was seen flying through the sky and into the far unknown. No one could tell whether he was alive or dead in the aftermath of this attack.

"Why do these pests still keep bugging me after all this time?" Jian Wenxin complained unto nobody in particular.

She had been dealing with this particular problem for almost one hundred years already and yet a few brave or dumb men still tried endlessly.

"Should i kill some of them to finally put an end to this madness?" Jian Wenxin murmured but immediately shook her head in reply to her own question.

Being crazy in love or lust, although annoying, did not merit a death sentence in her opinion. At least this was true for her since she was not indiscriminate at all in who she wanted to kill.

Jian Wenxin made haste to the Su Clan and as usual, she was excited to bring back good news towards her husband.

A lot of the nearby cities has pledge allegiance unto them bringing great benefits in tow and in return, the Su Family would provide a sturdy umbrella of protection unto them.

"Oh? Who might this girl be?" Jian Wenxin wondered when she reached her husband\'s courtyard. But the moment she arrived, it did not take long for everyone in the scene to look towards her way.

An awkward pause happened and it took a very wise man to break the silence that ensued.

"Ling\'er, I want you to meet my first concubine Jian Wenxin."

"Xin\'er, this is Zi Ling. My wife." Our bored gamer was of course the wise man in question.

"You have poor taste, husband. But I guess you have amended your past mistake by choosing me in the end." Jian Wenxin replied with these sour words.

It was clear that she was jealous at this time.

Although she could have reacted a little bit differently and retained more patience because of her thousands of years of maturity but Jian Wenxin relished this fresh experience today.

Being jealous was a new thing to her and so it would be a lie to say that she did not enjoy going through these motions that had long been alien to her already.

"…" Zi Ling on the other hand could only remain frozen in place. If they spoke about beauty then she would be leagues behind our very own Jian Wenxin.

And should one tackle the power difference between them, Zi Ling would have to be considered a lowly ant beside the nigh immeasurable strength that raged out from Jian Wenxin\'s body at the moment.

The spiritual pressure that Jian Wenxin was releasing has almost made Zi Ling bow before her very presence.

"That\'s enough, Xin\'er." Clark admonished as he laid a supporting hand on Zi Ling\'s back. This was enough to stabilize the stupefied form of the latter.

"Hmmmp!" Jian Wenxin pouted cutely. Any lesser woman would have stormed off in fury but luckily enough, Jian Wenxin was not a lesser woman.

She instead walked closer into the group and clung possessively on the arms of our avid gamer.

"So where shall we eat tonight, husband?" Jian Wenxin asked sweetly. She even put an obvious exclamation to her statement by planting a not so chaste kiss on our good gamer\'s cheek.

Clark and company then went out in order to celebrate the reunion between husband and wife.

* * *

"I\'m happy to see you again after such a long time, Ling\'er." Our bored gamer said after the said dinner celebration. They finally got a rare private talk tonight.

"I can\'t say the I feel the same way, Su Wen." Zi Ling said and she was at least honest to herself.

She took some time to look at her husband and the vast changes that has happened to him has reflected poorly over time.

Gone were the young visage of energy and promise and what was left was healthy old man that was over 100 years already. His hair and beard were a long white treasure on his face.

And it was obvious that he took pride in this humble mortal accomplishment. Nevertheless, her husband\'s eyes remained deep and inscrutable.

Zi Ling had an illusion that those aged eyes could see more that what she could ever hope to unravel in her lifetime.

"All of us have been dealt random cards in this life, Ling\'er. What is important is how we play with the cards in our hands. Come now and sleep." Clark invited gently.

His steps then took him away from the troubled eyes of Zi Ling.

"I would have happily prayed over your grave, Su Wen. I\'m just surprised to know that…" Zi Ling could not finish her words since she felt how horrible she was for thinking so.

There was a small regret in her heart and it kept on growing by the second.



"TAP!" Zi Ling walked and a few minutes later, she found herself standing behind a familiar door in the Su domains. She did not need to knock but only pushed the door thereafter.

She found her husband and his first concubine already taking their fill on the bed. A short pause later and three souls slept soundly into the night.

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