Monster Factory

Chapter 110: HOLY …. !!

However for Ye Qing’s plan to work, he needed them to leave that smashed chase boat behind.

That boat, after having its belly ripped apart by the corals, if it were to be loosened, then it was guaranteed that in less than 10 seconds it would be sitting on the bottom of the sea bed.

All kinds of illegal animal products were shipped off the yacht one at a time. If any were to show up on the black market, then those traders would all be celebrating with their hands high in the air.

So, you can understand just how much this boat of illegals was actually worth.

Everyone present was ecstatic. The officers who partook in the chase were all gathered together with the confiscated products serving as the background to have countless photos taken.

Ye Qing was just wondering how to approach them when the serious looking Chief walked over.

“Comrade, we must sincerely thank you for your help today.” The Chief of the Anti Smuggling Unit, Wu Yu, said with a huge grin: “Without your dock and your help, we would probably still be out at sea wondering what to do with that yacht.

“No problem, no problem. These are things I should be doing.” Ye Qing pointed to the chase boat that was obviously taking in water: “That boat’s heavily damaged, however coincidentally this here used to be a shipyard which now got turned into a mechanical factory now, so we have some ship building steel on hand to give it some refurbishing, it’s definitely not a problem.”

“Why don’t you just leave that boat here? I’ll have someone fix it for you.”

“Thank you, thank you so much. For being able to fix that boat, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Wu Yu politely thanked: “Just now I was having a headache on how to transport that boat back as I heard from them that this whole area was filled with submerged corals.”

Ye Qing said these were all small things, but he was thinking of doing something much grander.

Fixing the chase boats weighing in only at a couple dozen tons, even if he were to swap out for a whole new hull, possessed no major difficulty.

A sheet of ship building steel, a folding machine, and a couple welders were enough to complete everything. With these machines and materials, even a garbage tier factory was enough to do it.

This factory took up a huge amount of space, plus it was a shipyard before. The machine that they used were all advanced like no tomorrow, so there shouldn’t be any problems with welding on a new hull for the boat.

This factory was looking to earn some repair fees, and Wu Yu was also willing to return the favor. Who let Ye Qing help them with all those problems?

Having completed every necessary step, Wu Yu happily left with everyone in tow. The yacht was also shipped off by the crane and tow truck they called.

However, by the docks was the remains of a still sinking chase boat.

Seeing those people off, Ye Qing patiently waited for nightfall.

8 PM, when the sun had completely set and night had taken over, Ye Qing called out a raging miner.

When the waves hit the raging miner’s thick limbs, it sounded just like waves crashing into cliffs. Yet, when the miner’s lightly swung its tail the waves exploded like cannon fire.

The raging miner was currently Ye Qing’s all purpose crane system. They possessed unlimited strength, looked just like dinosaurs, and were easily able to lift 30 tons.

Standing in the ocean, the raging miner easily carried the chase boat just like a baby into the factory yard.

Turing on the lights in the yard, Ye Qing took a full body shot of the chase boat with the 3D camera.

Transferring the picture onto the computer, Ye Qing used AutoCAD to fix up the damaged bottom of the boat, then added some of his own ideas into the design.

Having finished everything, Ye Qing satisfactorily clapped his hand and had the master artisan go into the underground base to create the related hull out of memory alloy with the metal smelting center.

Of course, inside of this memory alloy ship hull, Ye Qing added 30% steel into it, so its memory rebound was slightly worse than before.

Before when he was chatting with the officer, Ye Qing realized that there was an opportunity unique to himself with these chase boats.

The officer said that the reason they didn’t use heavy weighted ship hull to go head to head with those smuggler was because one, they don’t have the budget to support it, and two, if the hull were to get damaged, then they could only cut out the damaged parts and weld in new pieces.

The prices tag associated with that was simply too high. However, what if they ship hull was made of the Monster Factory’s newest product, the nickel-titanium memory alloy?

The material was lighter than regular ship building steel by 40%, and it was structurally tougher by at least two folds.

Finally, the material also possess the ability to “self heal”.

There currently existed two different kinds of memory metals. One of them was able to rebound back to its original form when under certain condition.

The other kind was just like a spring. When it got dented, it was able to slowly return back to its original form.

What the Monster Factory made was of the second kind, as it could still slowly return back to its original form when deformed by external forces.

However, its structural strength and rebound times superseded any other memory alloy on the market.

So if the Monster Factory’s memory metal was used to create the hull of the chase boats, then all problems were solved.

A 40% increase in thickness resulted in the same weight as before, but its structural strength increased by nearby three folds, and it gained the ‘self healing’ ability.

No need to worry about head on collisions, because it would return to normal in no time.

The metal smelting center only needed one person to operate, so how to merchandize the memory metal was what was bothering Ye Qing right now.

Right now was a great opportunity to create some custom ship hulls.

Building complete boats was a very complex process, but making custom hulls in comparison was very easy and had no licensing requirements.

Of course, the original memory metal was just too mind blowingly shocking, so Ye Qing could only use some watered down version.


3 PM the next day, after Wu Yu had just completed his report with a glass half full kind of expression, he left the Mayor’s office.

This time a dozen or so officers put their lives on the line by using 5 chase boats to detain a single smuggling yacht. The result were three damaged vessels, with one that was heavily damaged to the point of sinking, for only one smuggling yacht.

Yet the amount of illegal products confiscated was the highest in all of their operational history.

This achievement naturally belonged to every officer who partook in the chase, as well as Wu Yu himself.

However, this chase also exposed a very embarrassing point about the Anti Smuggling Unit.

Five speedy chase boats chasing after one smuggling yacht, yet they were toyed around like monkeys. Not mentioning all the injuries the ships suffered, if it wasn’t for the smuggling yacht coincidentally slamming into the submerged reefs at the Dragon Creek Beach, then very likely the yacht would’ve escaped their chase.

If they really escaped, then the damages to them would’ve been immeasurable.

Thinking up to there, Wu Yu was pissed to the point of wanting something to trash. However when they got back and examined the yacht, they were utterly humiliated.

Forget about the cost of those eight Yamaha engines that added together almost made up for one of their chase boats.

Just look at its 25MM thick A40 steel hull.

That was the highest grade shipbuilding steel available to the public on market. 25MM, don’t mention their submachine guns, even if they brought over a Type 88 machine gun, they still wouldn’t be able to penetrate it.

25MM thick, compared to their .8MM thick chase boat hulls.

And then there was that goddamn bullet proof glass. Which was actually the flagship product of America’s Texas Armoring Corporation. Yeah, it was that company that had someone sit behind a piece of glass and had someone spray at him with an AK.

That video had been transmitted throughout the internet for several years now, yet who would’ve thought that Wu Yu would actually encounter this bullet proof glass in person.

Which shipyard in the country was this daring and had this much power to be able to build such robust high speed armored ships?

Investigate! Dig up everyone and everything involved in this; dig 10 meters under if you have to!

Wu Yu was seriously pissed to the point of no return. However the newest report he got this morning, sunk him right into powerlessness.

That yacht, not matter the quality, steel model, or engine systems, none of them were of domestic style.

And the interrogation of the two criminals also solidified that point.

They confessed that the yacht was imported by their boss from a foreign shipyard at a super steep price.

This point not only had him stunned, but also had the local custom officer and Mayor stunned.

Now that the smugglers were getting ever more advanced, what would happen if they were to encounter this kind of situation again?

They couldn’t really count on every smuggler heading for the corals and give everything to chance, right?

Just when he got in the car to head back to HQ, he got a call from Ye Qing.

During the call Ye Qing told him that the chase boat had been fixed and could be driven away.

Wu Yu was quite scared and wonder if the repair job was completed with paper mache, as how could the repair job of a ship on the brink of sinking be that quick?

“Why are domestic factories all like this now......” Wu Yu furiously told his driver to move it, since he needed to go to the Dragon Creek Beach to see just what kind of repair job this was.

Yesterday he felt in this young factory owner the stuff that was generally missing from young people these days, a sense of righteousness and a sense of responsibility.

So he was willing to leave the boat with him for repairs, and to let him earn the repair fee.

Who would’ve thought everything would come crashing down this quick......

Having told the driver to inform several Anti Smuggling officers that the boat the ready, Wu Yu kneaded his temple, as he felt the raging anger that came from getting played with by someone. He was going to teach that young man a lesson on how to be honest.

While on the road, his car met up with the crew of that chase boat, and together they headed off towards the factory at Dragon Creek Beach.

The steel gate was wide open, so they headed directly for the docks.

It was just that when they got to the dock, Wu Yu immediately hissed and blocked his eyes with his hand.

Because his eyes were being blinded by the dazzling reflection of metals.

The next time Wu Yu opened his eyes, he, his driver and the officers, all widened their mouths, and dumbfoundedly stared at that chase boat that was on support frames by the dock.

That streamlined silvery white metal hull, that angled bow of the ship, which was originally flat, looked just like a razor sharp knife with a rhombus shaped ram.

On the deck was a vertically shaped, beautifully carved police emblem, showing off its awe-inspiring radiance under the sun.

This...... This...... This......

Wu Yu originally planned on teaching a lesson, but right now he was just like a radio that couldn’t find a signal, as he kept on blurting out white noise.

Didn’t he say that he had the boat completely fixed? Then what was......

Then when did the chase boat become this sci-fi, this violent looking?

In addition, the ship hull seemed to be completely integrated, because where the heck were those welding marks?

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