My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 180 - How Is That Possible ?

Kevin placed him on his back and said to Axel : "It\'s over ! But something is wrong, he should never have been able to achieve this feat so quickly, he must have hidden something from us.

Otherwise, the fact that he didn\'t attack us is a very good thing, it means that he is not quite at the phase 2 of the Warrior Spirit yet, for now he can only attack if he feels an intention to kill."

Axel was also relieved that Erik had finally passed out he wouldn\'t have liked to have to fight him while he was in this state, he asked Kevin : "And now, what do we do ?"

Kevin said with a serious look on his face : "We have 30 minutes before we have to join the others, that\'s enough time to wake Erik up and make him drink the remedy for him to feel perfectly fine during the training with everyone else.

It also gives us time to find out why he\'s already so close to moving on to the phase 2 of a Warrior Spirit."

Kevin then added : "I\'m sorry honey, but you\'re no longer qualified to be alone with him during his training, if Erik decides to attack you it could end very badly."

Axel followed Kevin and then asked him not knowing what to do : "So how do we proceed."

Kevin put Erik down on the table in the meeting room and told him with a simple look that he would answer that question later.

He then took out another bottle of water and wanted to spray Erik with it again, but Axel stopped him and said : "Wait ! I\'ll do it, you never know he might attack you this time."

Kevin smiled and handed him the bottle of water to let him do it, if it could reassure Axel to do it he didn\'t mind, becausehe knew that from now on Erik was totally harmless ... At least, as long as he didn\'t reach the phase 2 of a Warrior Spirit.

Kevin stepped back to let Axel wake Erik up and just like before, Erik coughed and swore before trying to get up, but Axel held his shoulders firmly against the table and he said to him : "That\'s enough for today Erik, calm down, Kevin will give you a remedy, you will feel better after drinking it."

Erik stopped struggling immediately when he recognized Axel\'s voice, he was once again completely confused after losing consciousness, but after listening to him carefully everything came back to his memory and he simply nodded.

He had already promised Kevin that he would take the remedy if he fainted again, so after Axel helped him to straighten, he sat cross-legged on the table and gratefully accepted the remedy that Kevin gave him.

Kevin also handed him a Healing potion legendary grade saying : "I don\'t know if there is a potion that can help your muscles relax and not get sore from our training so take this one until I find out a better option, at least I\'m sure you will feel perfectly fine."

Erik then said to him : "Okay for today, but next time I think a Vitality potion medium grade will be more than enough."

Kevin wanted to ask him more questions about this potion he hadn\'t learned yet but they didn\'t have much time left, so he said instead : "Tell me when your head stops spinning and your ears stop ringing."

Erik chuckled, he didn\'t even need to describe how he felt, Kevin already knew that every muscle in his body was sore and that indeed for now, even after taking Ashton\'s remedy, his head was still spinning and his ears were still ringing.

But it was already starting to get better so he said to him : "Give me a few more minutes and it should pass."

Kevin just nodded and went to put away his equipment to craft potions, and Axel took the opportunity to say to Erik : "You know, I really think you should talk to Alan, this kind of training is perfectly acceptable, he won\'t make a scene, maybe he\'ll even encourage you ... Think about it ok ?"

Erik nodded and he said to Axel to his great relief : "I\'ll talk to him tonight, you\'re right, yesterday he let me wear the black bandage and he let me fight demons alone.

I don\'t know if he will support me or not in this training but I don\'t want to keep the truth about me from him anymore."

Kevin after listening to their conversation while putting away his equipment had a smile on his face, if Alan finally learned the truth about Erik, everything would be much easier, but even with the duo that was Axel and Alan it still wouldn\'t be enough to counter Erik if he decided to attack them when he was unconscious.

Even though he wasn\'t quite at the phase 2 yet, if he decided to attack them, he estimated, based on his knowledge and what the Warrior Spirit who had taken him under his wing for a while in his home world had taught him, that Erik would be at least 5 times stronger than usual.

He joined them and said : "If you tell Alan about this tonight, I would like Liam and Ian to know about it too, so we can continue to train you without taking too much risk for our own safety."

Erik, who had only slight dizziness but no more ringing in his ears, raised his head when he heard Kevin say this and he looked at him with a frown asking : "Wait ! Are you saying that it\'s dangerous for you to train me ... Do you think I might lose control and attack you ?"

Axel then told him : "That\'s exactly what almost happened when you passed out this time, it was super creepy."

Erik wasn\'t sure he had understood correctly so he asked him : "What exactly happened when I lost consciousness ? I didn\'t pass out like last time is what you\'re trying to tell me ?"

Kevin nodded and told him : "When you passed out the second time you kept going and didn\'t stop.

Axel told me that you kept falling down and getting up again and that suddenly you got up and kept your head down without falling down anymore.

When I came in and removed the gravity effects from the room you took a good minute before collapsing."

Kevin could see that Erik was shocked and he asked him : "Kev, you told me it would take me a while to get to this point, I don\'t understand .... How is that possible ?"

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