Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 306

While Tong and his men were eying on Xiongnu’s movements, Cao Cao was in a bad mood .

Cao Cao, Cheng Yu, and Pu Jing utilized modern warfare tactics, deploying explosive bombardment, ambushes, guerilla warfare, and ranged infantries . Unfortunately, they could not keep up with Khan’s massive army .

For every five men that they killed, one of Cao Cao’s soldiers fell . This trend lasted for a month before the fall of Luo Yang .

Cheng Yu stared at the direction of Luo Yang while he stood on the Hulao Gate . He lamented, "We have been cheated by Heaven! Those endless troopers are not fair at all!"

Standing by Cheng Yu’s side, Pu Jing shook his head, "All is fair in wars . Only this time, they possess a better skill and have the number advantage . If we look at the performance of our soldiers and our officers, we have the advantage in the prolonged war . "

"How so? If they have infinite troops, how can we have the advantage?"

"Nothing in this world is free . For using such skill, the user will have to pay many lifespans in exchange for power . Recently, the goddess of this world forced a great restriction on us, immortals . It forces us to limit our skill to once a day, and the upkeeps of maintaining our power are getting more burdensome . I’m sure that Xiongnu King is also suffering many setbacks, and he has to take a period of resting to replenish his lifespans . "

"The lifespans ... seriously, I would have been satisfied with 100 years of extra lifespans, but you all are using them like water . But still, we don’t have that luxurious time . They will reach Xuchang before we can extend the war . "

"We can force them to rest for 6-months if we manage to sabotage Khan’s men one more time . "

Cao Cao, who was pacing back and forth, interjected, "If we can prolong the war, do you think we can get rid of Xiongnu?"

Cheng Yu mockingly chuckled, "Impossible . "

Pu Jing snorted, "Zero percent chance for victory . Well, if we fight them alone, that is . "

Cao Cao frowned . He pulled up a letter that he received from Tong .

"I’ve received an invitation to a meeting to discuss about forming a coalition against the Xiongnu . Zhang Tong says in the letter that he has sent other similar letters to pretty much every governor and nobles in our country . What do you think about this?"

Pu Jing grinned, "Of course, we’ll accept it . "

Cheng Yu also laughed, "Why hesitate? Just accept it!"

"You two ... you didn’t even think!"

Cheng Yu laughed, "My foolish lord, do you have a better idea? Do you think you can manipulate other forces to square against them with us at our current condition? There’s a lot of differences between being flexible and being stiff because of your restriction . You have been getting too comfortable leading everyone so far, it won’t hurt if you play as a follower sometimes . "

"Agreed . Let’s say we manage to convince either Liu Biao or Yuan Shao to help us, those foxes will demand payment and remuneration for their troubles . Now that Zhang Tong is taking the lead . Let’s follow him for once, and let him take the brunt for us . I’ve been cultivating angelic power, and I’ve discovered that being shameless is also a virtue! Don’t hesitate to take opportunities, my stupid lord . "

Hearing his two wicked advisors, Cao Cao massaged his temples .

"I wish you two can be less frank like Xun You . "

"Being frank means we’re being honest . Holding back is a sign of being unfaithful!"

"But you both are calling me foolish and stupid . "

"It’s a fact!"

"We are paid to speak about facts . "

The face of Cao Cao darkened . Talking to these men giving him more white hairs .

"Fine . We’ll not waste our resources and continue fighting . We’ll swiftly retreat from Hulao Gate to Xuchang and recuperate . If the Xiongnu persists on attacking us, we’ll drag Zhang Tong into our fight . "

"Of course . "

Cao Cao raised his hand as he had more ideas, "Before I forget . Draft me a reply letter and extort them some supplies . Make them vomit out their sulfur, coal, saltpeter, and steel as a payment to join the coalition . "

Cheng Yu laughed again, "That’s a given . "


August 10th, 185 A . D .

Cao Cao withdrew all his forces from Hulao Gate back to Xuchang to save his troops from the unwinnable war .

Though it was vexing for Cao Cao, he still had hope as his weapons and technologies far surpassed Khan Army . As long as they could mass-produce Pu Jing’s 13th-century cannons, they would not fear anyone .


August 30th .

Cao Cao returned to Xuchang, but he was welcomed by Xun You, who stared at Cao Cao with a grave expression .

"What happened, Gongda?"

Staring at the face of Cao Cao, Xun You had a conflicted feeling . He had exchanged letters with Xun Yu and learned many things about Tong’s forces and his domestic policy development . It was confirmed that Tong was a talented lord worthy of respect .

However, Cao Cao had displayed many underhanded tricks, such as manipulating Diaochan as a puppet, promoting himself into the Chancellor of the Han, and issuing fake edicts .

Yet, his domestic development has improved very little .

The people were still suffering from the after effect of the drought last year . The constant wars and conflicts between lords and rebels had not been cooled down, but Cao Cao insisted on expanding to Luo Yang without listening to his advice .

The comparison between Cao Cao and Tong was tormenting Xun You .

He envied his cousin . He wanted to have a competent lord like Tong .

Because of that, he intentionally made a blunder a few months ago, and he came to apologize Cao Cao .

"My Lord, I have a piece of bad news for you . It’s bad enough that you will kill me after you hear it . Do you want to hear it now?"

Cao Cao paused, observing Xun You . He had known this scholar for a long time and knew about the tradition of the Xun Clan, so Cao Cao did not worry about Xun You betraying him .

But this time, Xun You indeed looked suspicious .

"I’ll decide that once I heard the news . Tell me frankly . "

"Very well," Xun You took a deep breathe, "Xiao Wu raided our city, burned our granaries, killed one of our generals, and took Diaochan and Wang Yun with her . During the chaos, we’ve captured a group of royal guards that were fleeing from the scenes . From the investigation and interrogation, they were spies from the Xiongnu that were sent to kill Diaochan . "

Cao Cao was petrified .

Diaochan was the political tool that he could use to order neighbor lords around . Losing her meant that he lost the majority of his political influence, and the only way to get it back was to conquer the neighbors by force, which Cao Cao had avoided using this method .

With a broken voice, Cao Cao muttered, "Who died?"

"Ren Jun, my lord . He’s the general of our logistic troops . He died fighting Xiao Wu when she attacked our granaries . "

Ren Jun was one of the talented generals that served Cao Cao in his early years when he raised his banners . He did not accomplish many tasks, but Cao Cao could still remember his face .

"Give him a proper funeral . Pu Jing, you handle to negotiation with Zhang Tong and his coalition offer . I need some times to think . "




A few months ago, Friday, Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu, and Zou Shi reached Shangdang City as a new team to govern this commandery .

However, Friday entrusted the city to Zhang Ji and told everyone not to report anything to the clan chat . She left the city afterward and headed to Xuchang to rescue her mother .

Friday got to Xuchang in July . Out of anger and hatred, she burned Cao Cao’s granaries and killed several soldiers of Cao Cao . With her power and her borrowed spirit of Tong, she decimated all opponents that came her way .

Using the chaotic scenes as a distraction, Friday slipped into the inner city and secured her powerless mother and Wang Yun without difficulty . They sneaked out of the town afterward .

Now, on the Yellow River, a boat was carrying a woman, a young girl, and an elder . They were Friday, Diaochan, and Wang Yun .

The atmosphere was awkward as the rescued Diaochan was standing, scolding Friday who was kneeling on both knees .

"There is a limit on how short-sighted and ignorant you can be . Do you even know why I’m allowing myself to be used by Cao Cao? I’ve planned to recruit him into Tong’s clan after I make him realize that he’s not Tong’s opponent! His officers are elites as well . I want to influence them into betraying Cao Cao and join Tong when Cao Cao’s attention is on somewhere else . Now, look at what you’ve done . You’ve ruined my plans and my hard work, forcing me out here to Tong’s territory . Do you know what the people and the soldiers would think about your stupid operation? They will think that Tong is a power-hungry man that kidnapped old Empress and the new Empress so he can centralize his political influence! He will be the villain in people’s eyes, and it will be recorded in history books! You ..."

The sermon went on for hours as Diaochan never stop talking for a minute . Even after she had spoken a certain topic already, she re-mentioned about it again for the second time, the third time, and so on . When she no longer had anything else to scold Friday, Diaochan restarted her points all over again from the very beginning, which even made the onlooker, Wang Yun, cringed .

Wang Yun had learned about the immortals, Hell, Heaven, and their purpose of being here from Diaochan during their times under Cao Cao’s surveillance, so he was not surprised about them anymore .

As Wang Yun got tired of listening to Diaochan’s nagging, he stopped rowing the boat .

"There’s no point talking about the past anymore . Let’s talk about our future, shall we? Where are we heading next? We have reached the north shore . "

Realizing that her mother’s nagging had ended, Friday’s eyes lit up .

"We’re using to the road to Henei, and then we’re moving north to Shangdang . Tong made me the governor there . We can hide there for the time being!"

Diaochan frowned . She was going to object the idea, but she remembered that her status was unique .

Had she moved to Ye and joined Tong, all lords and peasants would have thought that Tong sent Friday to kidnap Cao Cao’s Empress, and it would have ruined Tong’s hard-earned reputation . They would believe that Tong had many other ulterior motives aside from the political purposes as Tong was rumored to be a pedophile .

Going missing and hiding with Friday was a better choice . At least, Diaochan could protect Tong’s certain reputation .

As for the incident in Xuchang, it would come to light eventually, so she could not change or interfere with anything .

"Fine . I’ll go with you . But Friday, that Khan is about to unify the west . What’s Tong plan to do next?"

Friday smiled, "We’ll mimic the Anti-Dong Zhuo Coalition Event . "

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