Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 468 - The Deciding Battle. Part 1

Effective as the strike had been, especially considering it hurt her despite her hard scale defense, it was far from enough to put Reyna down and she was back on her feet as the two Hals walked towards her.

Then she suddenly had a thought and looked over to where Melinda had been and her eyes widened to see that the golden-eyed lady was gone but she need not search at all as Melinda was soon attacking her with her cosmic Armament shrouded in the White flames of her flame ordinance.

However, she did not bother getting closer to the dragon lady to strike, instead, she swung her sword and sent the flames to her. 

Reyna dodged while still keeping a watch on the two Hals still advancing slowly and then Melinda chuckled just as the flames Reyna had dodged and thought she was safe from stopped in mid-air and returned even faster than it had gone.


An extra layer of protection that Hal and Melinda knew was her limit suddenly crept over Reyna\'s form as she raised her hand to use her scaled hands to protect her unscaled face.

The flames charred her scales and a lot of it crumbled into ash while Hal finally got closer and began a barrage of attacks along with his Shadow mirage. 

A barrage Reyna still managed to defend against.


Still managing to stop any definite strike that would see her lose her life.

She really was a dragon and had the endurance and stubbornness to match.

Despite being one stage lower than the lieutenant they had fought before, Reyna was on a whole different level to that washed-up old fool.

Melinda prepared to join in the fight when a Force spread all about the battlefield but as the epicenter of the force was close to them, Hal, Melinda, and Reyna get it the most as it blasted them back.

When they stood back up, none of them thought to return to the fight as they looked up at the two figures in the sky.

They were none other than Devon Dane and the General of the Dystopian Army.

Devon had illusionary wings spread out of his back, a mark that he was at the peak of the semi-saint realm and was close to attaining a level of cultivation that would surpass all human limits.

Which was the grander manner of saying, they would be able to fly unsupported at the Cosmic Saint realm.

The General had wings spread out her back as well but they had a more beastly look to them.

The force that had been felt all about the battlefield been caused when the two punched at each other in a test of strength that the General had been confident to win and was more than a little surprised to lose.

Without a single word to each other, they flew towards one another with one flap of each of their wings and met with another simultaneous punch which once again repelled them back while those on the ground combined to suffer getting repelled by their resulting force.

Hal had quickly cast runes to form a protective Dome around Melinda and himself and that was still not enough.

In fact, it usually got destroyed by the force and he would be forced to cast another.

Reyna sunk her claws into the ground and used them as an anchor.

Even then, the battle between Dystopians and Haronians continued with no one feeling it was the time to spectate.

After all, what good would that do?

The ones most eager to continue were the Dystopians. There were still many Suicide bombers yet to detonate and they could not care less about any resultant force as they continued their rampage.

Commander Gaige, who had been the first commander to defeat his opponent, a Dystopian commander, frowned at the right of the Suicide bombers and then pressed his hands together as he said, 

"Seventh-grade skill; Sealing rings" 

Out of a neon green, seven circled ring emerged multiple circles of the same color, all of which went to the Suicide Bombers and bound them tight to prevent them from moving.

Gaige\'s hands shivered as he stretched them out to cast the skill.

There was a reason he had not used it from the start. The skill was far too tasking and would weaken him if he should use it.

It would make it impossible for him to fight and he had still needed his strength.

However, now that he had defeated a commander who could very well be called his Dystopian counterpart, he might as well use the last bit of his strength to perform this act.

The bound bombers strained against their bonds for a while before they all looked up simultaneously as their skin burned bright red as a sign of detonation.

Gaige clenched his fists and spheres formed, using the sealing rings as a fixed diameter, around all the bombers, and when they detonated, it kept the explosion contained within before imploding.

Gaige fell unconscious soon after and the Haronian forces, while now reduced in number, were motivated and fought with more zest now that the dark cloud that was the suicide bombers had now cleared.

A Dystopian moved towards Gaige\'s body which was now so prone, the Pagoda Beast realm Dystopian could kill him easily.

However, before she could actually succeed in her attack, a blast of Semi-saint energy struck her down from above killing her instantly.

After which Gaige\'s unconscious form became surrounded and protected in an orb of Semi-saint energy.

The Dystopian General sneered, 

"How weak do you think I am...?" She asked before vanishing, only to appear next when she was kicking Devon\'s side.

Not believing he was relaxed enough to protect someone else when fighting with her!


Her hit connected and sent the Dane monster spinning.

When he stabilized himself, the General was upon him once again but Devon was smiling. Almost as though her hit had not affected him in the slightest and moved quick enough to defend against her strike and retaliate with one of his own.


It hit and the General countered and just like that why went on to exchange many blows before the General seemed to decide to get serious and she became covered with hard dragon sales but it was more than clear that her transformation was a step above her sister\'s.

She grew a tail with spikes while she also had spikes on her arms. Then once again she began crossing blows with this detestable human who could not possibly contend with her strength.

Or so she thought.

While she was transforming into this advanced hybrid dragon form, Devon had cast a spell but not one to attack but to imbue himself.

This was a spell no Dane ever dared to cast on themselves because of the risks. The spell was used to borrow pure flames that were said to only be harnessed by someone blessed by the Primeval virtue queen.

Anyone else would only get to use it once for a monstrous boost and then burn to ashes.

Everyone except Devon who, just like the rest, had not received the blessings of the Primeval Virtue. At least not in the sense that would have allowed him to use the spell.

But by sheer grit and an extraordinary sense of awareness, he knew how to temper the spell and use it at will but in minimal increases that would not overwhelm him.

Add that to his already impressive strength and Devon was confident in going toe to toe with the Dragon lady.

The General realized the reason for that confidence soon when they began to battle and not only was Devon, now glowing a faint golden color, matching her strength, he was matching the speed with which she delivered her powerful blows.

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