Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 378 - Take Heart.


Before Red Beard even had the opportunity to defend himself, Hal landed a solid bruising blow to the side of his face, 


"Ack" Red Beard groaned but that was only the beginning.

With incredible agility aided along with the use of his wings, Hal changed direction and landed a kick into Red Beard\'s side. Sending the bandit leader flying several feet away.

However, even then, Hal was once again on him and kicking him in the stomach.

Another groan but this time, something seemed to click inside Red Beard\'s mind and he let go of the pipe dream of powering up his ordinance once again. Instead, he twisted in mid-air, resummoning his war hammer cosmic armament, and struck a blow at Hal who was flying towards him at top speed.

Or more accurately, he tried to.

However, without being able to channel his Ordinance of Fire, Red beard was never Hal\'s match even without a transformation into the leader Devil form.

Hal felt this form was overkill and the only reason he kept it up was that it was the only way he could make use of the Primeval Devil authority which was the only thing stopping Red Beard from Firing up once again.

It was why he stuck Executioner into the ground... His fists were more than enough.

And he proved that to the bandit leader when he punched out at the hammer and actually stopped it in place. Even more, he pushed it right back into Red Beard\'s chest...


... fracturing his sternum.


The bandit leader spat out blood but had no moment of reprieve as Hal landed another blow onto the side of his face.

However, even as he was sent into midair with that blow, Red Beard still found the time, energy, and clarity to charge up a comic phenomenon.

Not a cosmic attack...

A Cosmic phenomenon which could be seen forming behind him even as he struggled to regain his bearing.

Charging a Cosmic attack and imbuing it with Cosmic phenomenon strengthened that attack and added a flair to it. However, a pure Cosmic phenomenon-based attack went a step further and was far more destructive to the opponent. 

It was never subtle and usually produced more of an area of effect sort of attack, quite unlike a Cosmic Aurora which could be used in a more controlled and effective manner.

Anyway, the Cosmic phenomenon was already having physical implications on the background as Red Beard powered it up. At the late stage of the cosmic phenomenon realm, Red beard\'s cosmic phenomenon was cracking up the ground.

By the time he landed, he was already tossing it at Hal who had to admit the speed and range of the attack was so impressive, he could not outrun it. He could simply fly over it of course, but what would be the fun in that.

He charged up his phenomenon which was clearly a tad bit weaker than his opponent\'s but would still stand its own. However, holding its own was far from enough so he added Devil energy which changed the speed, power, and nature of the whole attack.

The two, Red Beard\'s cosmic phenomenon and Hal\'s twisted phenomenon, met with a loud *Bang!* sound while Hal\'s attack pushed their combined might away from himself and towards Red Beard whose eyes widened right before the detonation...


When the dust settled, Red Beard was sitting in a crater looking quite worse for wear. Charging up the phenomenon was already a one-hit attack on account of how draining it was but him getting hit by the combined force of his and his opponent\'s attack had stripped him of whatever little strength he still had.

His clothes were charred, his body was bruised and he had numerous internal and external bleeding, 

"-Puh- *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*"

He spat out blood and began to cough violently. With each cough, he expelled even more blood.

Hal stretched his hand in the direction of Executioner and the Fiendish Broadsword wrenched out of the ground to reunite with him. Then he flew towards Red Beard and landed right in front of the bandit leader who looked up at him.

Hal had to say he was quite impressed that after how devastatingly the bandit leader had lost, he still had enough pride look up at him with defiance and contempt. The fact that he was sporting that look despite being even more susceptible to Hal\'s Primeval Devil authority on account of being at his lowest point was worthy of commendation.

Hal met the look with a bright smile on his handsome crimson Devil face. He raised his left hand to rub one of his horns in an offhand and unconscious habit of contemplation.

Then Red Beard spoke, 

"You know... I had so many plans *cough*. I was finally going to achieve something as someone *cough* born into this cruel world and lost his loved ones at a young age. I was finally going to go from the small boy who eventually became a bandit leader to the ruler of a region.

I was going to *cough* beat the odds."

Hal sighed with an uncaring expression, 

"But look at you now"

Red Beard nodded and the action clearly caused him pain, 

"Yes, look at me now. *Cough* pathetic" 

Then he looked Hal right in his dreadful Devil eyes, 

"You have saved the mayor from meeting his end by my hands. But you *cough* should know he\'s a despicable man *cough* Do you even have any idea what he has done?"

"He came up with an agreement with you. An agreement that had you terrorize Dell\'s gate and enrich his city\'s coffers? I know what he has done. But like I said before, I am not after justice and frankly, I don\'t see what the big deal is.

The Mayor was being selfish. What\'s so wrong with that? In this world, selfishness is quite an important virtue to have. Selfless people very rarely have long lives and I for one have never planned to be selfless or act for the good of anyone other than myself and those closest to me."

Red Beard looked a tad bit confused, 

"*Cough* Then why...?" He began but Hal interrupted.

"Why you? *Sigh* well, I\'d take that as your dying wish and answer. Look over there." He said and pointed at where his Devil Beasts were still tearing through all bandits they could find while the bandits were practically powerless to stop them or defend themselves.

"I am killing you all to feed my Beasts" Hal said to the wide eyes shock of the bandit leader.

"To feed...*cough*... Beasts?" He asked and Hal nodded with a smile, 


That broke whatever resistance and Defiance Red Beard still felt as he came to terms with the fact that he and his bandit band with whom he planned to take over the region, were killed... To feed a bunch of monstrous beasts.

Hal took a deep breath, 

"Take heart buddy. It will all be over soon. Now how about telling me how you comprehended your Ordinance?" He said.

"What\'s an Ordinance?" Red Beard asked and from the look on his face, Hal knew he was not joking and genuinely had no idea.

To think that the Bandit leader got access to incredible power and did not even know what it was.

"You ability with Fire" Hal said and Red Beard\'s eyes shone with understanding before retrieving an Oval crystal with what looked like a bright orange ball of energy within it from his spatial ring.

"I got that from a merchant *cough" years ago and was told it increased cultivation speed. *Cough* However, after 7 years of continuous cultivation with it, I not only noticed a considerable increase in my cultivation speed, I also gained command over fire"

Hal collected it and examined the crystal with a nod before he swung Executioner to cut off the bandit leader\'s head and put an end to his life.

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