The Infinite Mystery

Chapter 284 - Slave Traders In Sitara Galaxy

The Demon God was the Great God Realm demon while Qin Feng was only at the Pure Soul realm.

The difference between the Qin Feng and the Demon God is so big that nothing could fit the gap, not even the Butterfly Mark that Qin Feng was talking about.

The Butterfly Mark was given by a King Realm expert, how could it be possible for the Butterfly Mark to show the prowess to kill a Great God?

It should be impossible.

What Chen Hui didn\'t know was that the Butterfly Mark was only a way through which Ye Zhiqui take action to solve the problem. There was simply no reason why the Butterfly Mark would not kill a Demon God.

Qin Feng knew what was playing in Chen Hui\'s mind but he didn\'t say anything. He simply told Chen Hui to help him locate the place where the Demon God is sealed. As for killing the Demon God, it would depend on him.

Qin Feng left the room and went straight to meet the Principal of the Milky Way Academy. He told the principal that Chen Hui want him to arrange a spaceship. Qin Feng used Chen hui\'s name because he knew, the principal will immediately take action and arrange a spaceship if it is Chen Hui\'s order.

And if it is Qin Feng, the principal will definitely delay for who knows how long.


The Milky Way Academy was built hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the Matrix Galaxy. That is to say, the Matrix Galaxy was hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the Milky Way Galaxy.

With the current technology that the Milky Way Academy had, it\'ll take more than two years for Qin Feng to reach the Matrix Galaxy.

It has already been two days since Qin Feng left the Milky Way Academy for the Matrix Galaxy.

At this moment, the spaceship was flying towards the depths of the universe. The space is cold, dark, and full of all kinds of messy forces.

When Qin Feng flew out of the spaceship to try and see what will happen, he was surprised to find out that his body was actually able to withstand the erosion of various energies in space, but it is obviously more restrictive than in the planet.

In the beginning, Qin Feng was still very excited because he was going to the Matrix Galaxy for the corpse of a True God. He also knew that the universe was full of new things, such as those planets, meteorites, or some kind of cosmic phenomenon.

It seems that everything is so new.

But over time, one day, ten days, fifteen days, one month...

An entire three months later, Qin Feng felt that everything was boring. It seemed that the spaceship had been flying for a whole month, but the environment outside the spaceship was still the same. It was still a cold and dark space.

The spacecraft at an extremely fast speed, that is, it has already entered hyperspace but even so, even after flying for three months, there was still no change. The spaceship still failed to fly out of the Milky Way Galaxy.

This is actually quite normal. Generally, galaxies are tens of thousands of light-years in diameter, and there are galaxies with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of light-years in diameter.

Now that Qin Feng\'s spaceship flew for a mere three months, it was nothing at all.

"According to the 300 Galaxies Map given by the principal, soon, I should be able to reach a Galaxy called Sitara Galaxy. Other than the Sitara Academy, the biggest force of the Sitara Galaxy is established on a planet called Roja Planet. Roja Planet has built Roja Empire that controls more than a hundred Solar Systems. The spaceship has been flying for more than three months. The principal had said that there is not much energy left in the spaceship, and this spaceship could only fly for about four months."

"I should stop in the Roja Empire. Since it is is an empire that controls more than a hundred Galaxies, there should be a spaceship station where I can replenish the energy of the spaceship. Then I can fly to the Matrix Galaxy."

Qin Feng nodded in his heart after thinking this. He didn\'t understand interstellar navigation, but for that, the AI of the spaceship was enough to take care of it. He just asked the Principal to tell him some common knowledge of the Galaxies.

He got to know many things about galaxies. Including that every galaxy has its own unique currency that is invalid in other galaxies. Because of this, after the establishment of the navigation and routes to travel throughout the 300 Galaxies, all Galaxies jointly established the Universe Alliance and launched a currency called the Universal Currency, also known as UC commonly.

{Author\'s Note:- When I introduced the galaxy for the first time, I have already explained these things. If you have forgotten, you can check out the previous chapters.  Ref: Ch 136 and 137.}

If Qin Feng wanted to purchase or sell something in other galaxies, he needed to complete his transaction with UC.

He can not use his own Galaxy currency. He also can not use the other Galaxy\'s currency since he is from a different Galaxy and it is prohibited to use other Galaxy\'s currency if one is not from that particular Galaxy.


Suddenly, about another ten days later, the spaceship\'s alarm rang out and AI\'s mechanical voice sounded.

[Detected spaceships about a hundred kilometers ahead. There are a large number of armed spaceships.]

Qin Feng, who was sleeping for three whole days in boredom, woke up upon hearing the AI\'s voice.

"A spaceship?"

Qin Feng was very excited at this moment. There was a spaceship a hundred kilometers ahead of him, which means that there must be a living planet not far away. This is really a good thing. He stayed in the spaceship for three months and ten days. It was really boring.

He suddenly looked at the screen in front of him and looking at some information, he was shocked and exclaimed, "I have already entered the Sitara Galaxy. How come I don\'t know? Oh, wait! I was sleeping for the past three days since I had nothing to do."

After flying out of the Milky Way Galaxy, Qin Feng had already set the location of his first destination at the Roja Planet of the Sitara Galaxy. After filling the energy there, he had planned to directly cross the Sitara Galaxy and enter the Matrix Galaxy.

The Milky Way Academy was located about a hundred light-years away from the border of the Milky Way Galaxy. So, it only took Qin Feng three months and a few days to leave the Milky Way Galaxy and enter the Sitara Galaxy.


In the icy dark space, hundreds of giant spaceships docked over a small planet.

Inside the spaceship, many people stared at the monitor screen. They are a slave-catching team of a chamber of commerce in the Roja Empire. The so-called slave-catching team is actually people who capture some unique intelligent life other than humans.

The space is vast and possibilities are endless.

It is not strange for a few strange alien life to be born in the vast and endless space.

If such lives were discovered, the slave-catching team will first use some method to find out if they were strong or weak. If they are strong, the slave-catching team will not lay their hands on those alien lives. But if the alien civilization is weak, they use to immediately attack the planet of those aliens and capture them to sell them as slaves.

The Sitara Galaxy was the only Galaxy that still capture slaves and sales them. In other 299 Galaxies, slave trading was prohibited and illegal. If anyone is caught trading a slave, they will be immediately killed to set an example for others.

But the Sitara Galaxy was different. From the very start, it used to trade slaves. Slave Trading was the most profitable business after all. But to do this business, who knows how many new alien lives and new civilizations were destroyed.

The other 299 Galaxies can not sit back seeing all these things. They jointly warned the Sitara Galaxy to stop Slave Trading. Under the pressure from 299 Galaxies, the Sitara Galaxy finally decided to mark Slave Trading as an illegal business.

However, there was still some business empire that secretly capture weak aliens as slaves and do Slave Trading.

This is a lucrative business. If an unowned planet is discovered and there is intelligent life on it, this business alone is enough to allow many people to live a luxurious life for several lifetimes.

"Captain, shall we attack now?"

The captain has short fiery red hair. A gloomy look flashed in his eyes and he sneered: "These cat-head people may not be able to clearly recognize the gap between us. Well, that\'s fine. Then launch an attack and let them see, resistance is pointless. Be careful not to kill too many cat-head people.. They are already our slaves and every cat-head people is extremely rare to come by. They are simply our treasures!"

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