Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 132 Playing Dead

While Xavier lay back in the chair, as if he was unconscious, he was still trying his best to pay attention to his surroundings. He was using the Gangster Instincts and the other senses at his disposal to their fullest in order to do so. And it was only after a few minutes that he heard footsteps heading his way.

The faint clacking sound steadily grew louder and whoever was approaching him wore high heels. They also had a skip in their step that was noticeable from the pace of their steps.

As for who it was, Xavier could only assume that it was the person who was truly in charge of everything. He gauged that she was pretty light and likely had a small frame. Meanwhile, the fact that she was a little girl was confirmed to him as soon as she spoke.

"I guess I got excited and invited him to meet for no reason. What kind of idiot hands over half a million dollars, then eats food provided by people they don\'t know yet?"

After saying that in her energetic, high-pitched voice, she burst into laughter.

"Are you sure he\'s...?"

She didn\'t have to finish her question and the 2 men that still stood around Xavier\'s body nodded their heads before shaking his body before her to prove it.

"If he isn\'t unconscious, then he is one hell of an actor. His whole body appears limp and we saw him eat and collapse with our own eyes," one of the 2 men explained.

"And even if he somehow regains consciousness, we can put him down with ease," the other chimed in.

With that, she reached Xavier\'s body and grabbed his head by his hair, lifting it to look at his face.

"Just as I thought, he really is Xavier Kenji," she mumbled to herself.

"Who\'s that?" the 2 men serving her asked in unison.

Xavier could tell that around their boss they were docile and their murderous intent had almost completely disappeared. They also seemed much more relaxed and talkative. But that\'s not to say they dropped their guard and wouldn\'t kill anyone that threatened their boss.

Meanwhile, his heart sank when he heard his name being mentioned. However, he couldn\'t expect anything less from the person who had been able to beat Zack in the digital battle of the nerds. But it could also be argued that the devices at their disposal were far from comparable. Either way, it didn\'t matter, since it was clear that she knew everything there was to publicly find about him.


"When he took his mask off to eat, I did some quick research and found his identity. I wanted to see his face up close to be sure, but there\'s no mistaking it. He\'s just some 17-year-old brat that\'s in way over his head."

"Aren\'t you also 17?"

As soon as one of the 2 men said that they received a stern look from her as she began to pout. But before she had the opportunity to scold him, the other couldn\'t help but ask, "How does he have so much money and who is this kid?"

"That, I\'m not completely sure of. But I believe he has connections to the Wolf Gang or at least that fight club of there\'s that is quite the spectacle."

Hearing that, the 2 men who had their fair share of experiences with the Wolf Gang doubted that quite heavily. They didn\'t feel that Xavier was special in any way. But they also couldn\'t suppress their curiosity.

What better way to quench their curiosity than to see for themselves?

Lifting Xavier with relative ease and placing him on the table that had been cleared of all food by the servers while he was in the bathroom, one of the men proceeded to tear off Xavier\'s shirt. Once he did, he and his partner took a second to admire his physique. Meanwhile, their boss became flustered.

"J-just what are you doing?" she yelled while her face flushed red.

However, despite saying that, she couldn\'t turn away and was surprised by just how toned and muscular his frame was. Apart from that, her eyes were also drawn to the bullet wound he had as well as the scars on his arms and the bruises all over his body.

"Is he some kind of soldier or spy?" the two couldn\'t help but ask themselves.

Turning to their boss to confirm, she shook her head, and once she did they were completely baffled. She could find almost anything about most people so they trusted that if she couldn\'t find any records, he really wasn\'t either.

"So what the hell is he and what does he want?"

"Well, we didn\'t get to ask since he actually ate the food and lost consciousness. I thought at least he\'d be wise enough to avoid consuming anything. And I was planning to just ditch him in the middle of nowhere if he didn\'t interest me, to be honest. It\'d be extreme to kill him."

However, her 2 subordinates didn\'t seem to agree.

"I think we should kill him right here and now. You know they are already after you, and any information he could provide them would merely put your life at risk."

"He\'s also not as simple as he seems. If he has ties with the Wolf Gang and is skilled at combat, it would be better to just nip things in the bud right here."

But, despite the advice of her 2 closest subordinates, she shook her head.

"We supply and buy. He\'s just a kid and killing him wouldn\'t benefit us at all. The least his half a million could buy him is his life."

They strongly voiced the fact that they disagreed and continued to talk about Xavier as if he truly was unconscious. It was to the point that the shirtless youth was finding it extremely difficult not to lose his temper. He wanted to get up and beat the life out of all 3 of them, but he didn\'t move.

From their talk, he learned a great deal about the 3 of them. Additionally, it became evident that they were at the top of their organization which was renowned for its ability to supply and trade. It wasn\'t an understatement to say that even the 5 most powerful gangs in New York wouldn\'t choose to mess with them.

That just leaves one question.

Who was it that was after her and what did they want?

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