Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1121 To War (7)

As we sat down, the ministers and generals looked at me completely differently than before.

After all, what I had done was much greater than what they could imagine.

Saving the elders of the five sacred beast races and even the possibility of bringing the Myriad Races into this war…this was far beyond what they could imagine.

After all, the Myriad Races were comparable to the entire human race.

So all of these experts joining in the war against the Beast Race would without a doubt greatly help them.

And even if not all of the Myriad Races joined, just having the five sacred beast races was more than enough.

After all, any one of these five sacred beast races would be just as strong as the Lin Astral Empire or even stronger than them. With their help, they should be able to push back the Beast Race even if they had the Outer laws since Lin Fan had already found the weaknesses of the Outer laws for them.

It seemed that things really were looking up for their Lin Astral Empire.

But Lin Fan had a serious look on his face as he sat there.

He was planning on discussing where to go next since he knew that this war was far from over.

When this topic was brought up, the ministers and generals once again started giving their suggestions.

But this time, they were much more aggressive as they gave their suggestions.

They felt like they had failed last time when they gave their suggestions, so it was like they were trying to make up for it this time. So they were right up in Lin Fan\'s face as they gave their suggestions.

If it was any other time, there was no doubt that Lin Fan would have slapped the stuffing out of them to get them away…but this time was different.

He could see how passionate they were about protecting the Lin Astral Empire, so he endured through all of it since he knew that this was their way of showing care.

However, even though they were more passionate than before, the content didn\'t change.

Lin Fan hadn\'t been gone for long, so the problems that they were facing were still the same as before.

It was still the same three places that needed his help.

As Lin Fan looked over them, he waited for something to happen.

After all, when he thought about these three options before, the system had suddenly said something.

He wanted to see if the system would have anything to say about this decision as well. However, it seemed like the system would be keeping out of this matter.

So it was up to him to decide where to go.

Lin Fan carefully considered the options before saying, "I\'ll head to the Lu Astral Empire."

When they heard this, there were disappointed looks and looks of joy on the faces of the ministers and generals.

At the same time, there were many that tried to argue this since they didn\'t believe that this was the right decision. However, there were also those that argued back since they thought that it was right.

This created a large argument in this meeting room where generals and ministers either took one side or the other.

But that didn\'t matter since no one could influence Lin Fan\'s decision. That is no one other than the Lin Astral Emperor who was the only person whose opinion Lin Fan respected in this room.

The Lin Astral Emperor looked at Lin Adam with a strange look, but this time he didn\'t go against him.

He just simply said, "Take care of this matter quickly and come home safe."

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this since he thought that the Lin Astral Emperor would be against this the most.

However, hearing him be this supportive touched him.

So Lin Fan said with a nod, "Un, I\'ll be back soon, great grandfather."

At this, all of the ministers and generals fell silent.

They knew that since Lin Fan and the Lin Astral Emperor had spoken, there was nothing that they could say to change their mind.

It was determined that Lin Fan would be heading to the Lu Astral Empire.

So the ministers and generals switched gears right away and started giving Lin Fan all the information that they had about the Lu Astral Empire\'s current situation.

They weren\'t able to follow Lin Fan into battle, so the least that they could do was give him as much information as possible.

There were generals that did want to go…but they had their own assignments and couldn\'t abandon them just to go fight the Beast Race in the Lu Astral Empire like Lin Fan.

So they could only send Lin Fan off and hope for the best.

Once they had finished, the meeting was considered over. However, not a single one of them left the room.

They were all waiting to hear what Lin Fan and the Lin Astral Emperor were about to discuss.

After all, the two of them wouldn\'t remain sitting here like this for no reason.

After a long silence, the Lin Astral Emperor asked, "Are you not heading out?"

Lin Fan shook his head before slowly saying, "My crew needs to rest. I\'ve been pushing them too hard and I can\'t keep pushing them like this."

The Lin Astral Emperor gave a nod before saying, "So how long are you staying?"

Lin Fan didn\'t say anything at first, but then he said, "A day or two, depending on the circumstances. This is an important mission, so we don\'t want to rush into this and let any accidents happen."

"Un, it\'s good to be careful." The Lin Astral Emperor said in a casual tone.

It was as if there was something that they wanted to discuss, but neither of them were willing to bring it up.

But in the end, someone did…

It wasn\'t either of them, but rather the Lin Astral Empress who came into the meeting room.

When she came in, the generals and ministers were trying to greet her in an attempt to stop her from approaching the two of them. However, all she had to do was glare at the ministers and generals to scare them off.

She came to the head of this table and looked at the two of them before saying, "What are you waiting for? It\'s time for dinner. Stop wasting time and let\'s go."

Both the Lin Astral Emperor and Lin Fan were caught off guard by this sudden appearance by the Lin Astral Empress.

However, neither of them dared to go against her after she said this.

Both of them immediately stood up and followed after her when they saw the way that she glared at them.

After walking past her, both Lin Fan and the Lin Astral Emperor looked at each other and revealed bitter smiles.

They both knew what the other was feeling since…they all had someone like this in their life.

Was it because it was hereditary or was it because of something else?

After they left, the ministers and generals were laughing amongst themselves.

It seemed that they had been worried for nothing…It turned out that the Lin Astral Empress knew exactly what these two needed and had come to take care of them.

So with this, the ministers and generals left with smiles on their faces.

For the first time, they were feeling relieved since the war began because of everything that Lin Fan had done. So they were supportive of him taking some time off since they knew how hard he worked.

It would also help him remember just what he was fighting for.

When Lin Fan and the Lin Astral Emperor arrived, they found that everyone else had already been gathered. It wasn\'t just their normal group, but also Lin Fan\'s cousins and uncles, as well as the Lin Family.

It seemed that everyone from the Lin Astral Family had gathered for this dinner.

But there was also Angela and the others that were here.

The Lin Astral Empress knew how important they were to Lin Fan, so she wouldn\'t exclude them from this.

Once they had all gathered, they were free to mingle however they wanted.

Instead of sitting at the dining table and having a traditional meal, they were served appetizers and it was more of a party than it was a dinner.

The Lin Astral Empress had arranged all of this to welcome Lin Fan back and to welcome the Lin Family to their Lin Astral Empire.

That was why she had gathered everyone so she could introduce them.

They were the descendants of her precious son and they were the relatives of Lin Fan, so she had high hopes for them…

It was just too bad that she was immediately disappointed by what she saw.

Even if they were related to the ones that she cared about the most, they were disappointments themselves.

Still, since they were related to the Lin Astral Family in the end, she tolerated them. That was because she could see how much her precious son still cared for them even though they were like that.

It was the same for the Lin Astral Family members.

They were disappointed with the Lin Family as well, but they sucked it up and dealt with them in the end.

But after today, it was certain that the Lin Family would be placed in minor positions and completely forgotten.

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