Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


“Certainly. Without fail, I will bring us victory.” (Tonino)

“Is that so? Then I’ll leave this to you. I entrust everything to you.” (Carlo)

Carlo completely puts all command of the war to Tonino.

Carlo is 20 years old.

Although he is the first prince, since he is the child of a concubine, his status, by any standards, is not that high.

However, since he is the child of the king’s favorite consort plus he looks a lot like his mother, he is quite doted upon by the king.

The objective of this war is to expand territory as well as to give Carlo some achievements.

You really can’t say that his ability is high.

By nature, his body is not strong plus his disposition is docile. Furthermore, this is his first battle.

Then how about his administrative skills? If you asked, then prepare to be disappointed.

He’s not one of the sharpest tools in the shed either.

His one saving grace, however, is that he himself understands that he is incompetent.

That’s what separates him from the others.

Therefore, it’s basic sense for him to pass on the tasks to a much more competent subordinate.

Carlo’s only jobs are to drink liquor, admire the fine things in life, and to flirt with his sex slaves.

The one using such a Carlo is Tonino. He is the younger brother of Carlo’s mother….. In other words, he’s Carlo’s uncle.

From the very beginning, Tonino’s family was not of a good pedigree but when his sister rose up in the imperial court he was able to secure a big patron in her.

Tonino himself was quite the prodigy that he managed to obtain promotions left and right. Then, just like that, he was made in charge of a whole army.

There are two reasons why Tonino was appointed by Carlo. First, he’s family. Second, he’s a genius.

In the event that Carlo becomes king, Tonino was promised that he would be appointed supreme commander of the army. That being said, he still doesn’t have peace of mind. It won’t be funny if he somehow gets axed after all.

Therefore, he intends to bind his own daughter to Carlo. With this, he would be able further strengthen their connection and completely secure his own status.

“What are you doing standing there grinning?” (Carlo)

“Ah no, I humbly apologize.” (Tonino)

Tonino hurriedly stops his delusions about what would happen after he becomes the supreme commander. He then begins to ponder over this battle’s strategy.

The current objective is to seize the Ars Territory.

Once they seize this territory, taking down the Rosythian Imperial Palace would be a walk in the park. The two are a stone’s throw away from each other after all.

If things went well, they might be able to immediately head for the Rosythian capital after the fall of the Ars Territory.

However,………….he’s thinking he might be pushing their luck here.

The Rosyth Kingdom’s population is around 170,000. If they mobilized to the limit, then they should be able to gather more than 10,000 troops.

If that were the case, then it would be quite a difficult war.

Tonino’s strategy is to first seize the Ars Territory then make peace.

Then, in the ensuing peace time, they would destroy the Rosyth Kingdom by fomenting dissent amongst the Rosythian great clansmen.

One time, he tried winning over one of the Rosythian factions, the DeBell faction. However, he was refused. The faction realized that, although by allying themselves with the De Morgal Kingdom would certainly result in victory, they would have no choice but to submit as a puppet in the process.

Regal, whose self-respect was high, probably found it difficult to agree to such a prospect.

However, there is still a possibility to make the plan work by making one big strike.

The Rosyth Kingdom is the biggest kingdom on the southern portion of the southern Adernia Peninsula. They have vast fields with rich yields of wheat.

In other words, the moment they secure control of this country then De Morgal Hegemony over the southern part of the southern Adernia Peninsula would be all but assured.

That’s why it is imperative that they exercise great caution in taking over this country.

The Gillbed Kingdom is also fighting this war.

Whoever first successfully seizes the south would certainly be exhausted by then.

“Come to think of it, the Rosyth Kingdom’s Princess Julia is quite the beauty, I heard. I’m so looking forward to her.” (Carlo)

Carlo let’s out his thoughts while unconsciously tapping his feet.

“Once we win, we’ll turn all Rosythians into slaves. That’s why she’ll soon belong to you, you know.” (Tonino)

In reality, Tonino wanted to have Princess Julia as a reward. However, he nevertheless declared such while truly feeling disappointed inside.

In the Adernia Peninsula, the citizens of a losing country are generally made into slaves. Nevertheless, it’s not like all of them fall unto slavery unconditionally.

Those who seize all resistance at an early stage and those who cooperate are all spared from such a fate. In all, about 40% of the losing side’s population usually fall into slavery.

“Don’t make such a disappointed face. In exchange, how about you get the wife of the Ars Territory’s lord? I heard she’s quite the beauty, too.” (Carlo)

“Another’s wife, huh……” (Tonino)

Tonino makes a dissatisfied face. One of Tonino’s bad points was that you can easily see what he’s thinking in his face.

Tonino is a unicorn so he won’t be satisfied by another man’s wife.

(TLN: I don’t know if it’s how they use unicorn now in the Japanese internet/literature or if the author probably just wants to popularize “unicorn” – ユニコーン to refer to as “virgin-lovers” – 処女厨 since it does make sense.)

“Hmm. You don’t change, huh. You should just stop caring about that membrane.” (Carlo)

“Ah, no. I’m not concerned about the membrane, you know. I’m more concerned about the fact that she already has experience even if just once.” (Tonino)

As they were starting the dirty talk, the fort comes into view.

Just like the reports said, it was exceptionally made.

According to the mice’s reports, about 8,000 troops were seen manning the fort.

“Well then, let’s advance so we can set up camp in a little while. Shall we immediately commence our attack?” (Tonino)

“Yeah, I’ll leave it all to you.” (Carlo)

The Adernia Mountain Range is a huge mountain range located between the Rosyth Kingdom and the De Morgal Kingdom.

Because of this mountain range, invading with a large army is difficult.

Nonetheless, there’s a point that cuts the mountain range into two. Its origins vary according to different legends. One says that the ground shook violently and divided the range into two. Another says that giants had stepped on that very spot and crushed it. Another said that the Griffon and a Divine Dragon had a duel and in the process made that spot.

This point is where the De Morgal Kingdom, the Ars Territory, and the Romano Forest all meet.

Possessing very little area, this point is called the Terrier plains.

In the event that the De Morgal Kingdom comes to invade the Rosyth Kingdom, they would certainly have to pass through this plain.

Although it is called a plain, its terrain is gently rolling.

It is on top of a slightly elevated hill in the area that Fort Terrier is located.

Fort Terrier has two sets of walls.

First is the inner wall.

It’s a wooden wall that has existed since the very first fort. It is exceedingly fragile.

Next is the most important one, the outer walls.

It’s a newly constructed stone wall.

Its width is around a meter while its height was around 5 meters.

They dug a moat around the outer wall and hung a drawbridge to connect a gate to the outside.

The fort, by the way, has two gates – one on the south and one on the north.

The wall protrudes on both sides of a gate. This protrusion is not a rampart but rather a tower like structure. Its height is around 7 meters.

In short, the structures around the gates made it easier for bowmen to gather and concentrate their fire.

In the headquarters of this fort, Almis had set up his command.

“Our combined forces are around 8,000 Rosythian troops and around 300 Equus troops. In total, 8,300 troops.”

More great clans than I expected brought out their forces. Furthermore, the numbers were beyond expectations too. However…

“The enemy’s combined force is around 25,000……”

“You can feel their seriousness, huh.”

Tetra says while the report was being read.

Furthermore, according to the mice’s reports, the enemy has brought with them a lot of siege equipment.

We’re in trouble.

There’s one saving grace however.

“Since the enemy has brought that many equipment, it could only mean that they couldn’t have brought that much rations. This is convenient for us.”

Fort Terrier is in the border between the De Morgal Kingdom and the Ars Territory.

In other words, the northern side is De Morgal Territory.

It’s harvest season so army provisions would, depending upon circumstances, be met once the wheat is harvested and immediately sent to the battlefield.

Even if they hadn’t brought anything in advance, transporting the rations would not be that difficult. In other words, they intend to completely rely on a supply line.

After taking Fort Terrier and advancing deep inside the Rosyth Kingdom, they would then secure rations from the Rosyth Kingdom’s harvested wheat.

Therefore, there would be no need to march while carrying a lot of rations.

With that, it would be more economical to just bring more siege equipment to make the fort fall faster in a decisive engagement.

Although they are bound in a cease-fire agreement with the Gillbed Kingdom, they are still in bad terms.

They’re also competing in who gets to secure much of the southern Adernia Peninsula.

In this battle, Ron and the others has taken up the roles of Chiliarchs. (TLN: Literally meaning commander of a thousand soldiers. It’s Greek though, because I couldn’t find a Latin equivalent. “Tribune” or “Tribunus Militum” doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. Maybe I’ll revise the other titles like centurion and decanus into Greek later.)

We also need to have them get achievements. It would be problematic if my vassals stop at the centurion rank.

“Well, we should be able to win. All we need is to put up with the siege for three days to succeed.”

I laugh while grinning.

Thus, the war which will be called the Seven Days War in the future begins.

First day of the Siege

“Now then, first, let’s encircle them.”

At Tonino’s command, his entire army surrounds Fort Terrier.

“Hey, Tonino. Though I know it’s strange to be asking this late but……Wouldn’t it be just fine for us to ignore this fort?” (Carlo)

“That would be a long shot, you see. Our army is approximately 20,000 strong. We’ve only brought enough rations for three to four days. Although we could obtain rations by pillaging, there’s a possibility that the enemy would resort to scorched-earth tactics. That’s why it’s necessary that we rely on a supply line.

As far as that is concerned, this fort needs to fall. Furthermore, it’s not like all the Rosyth Kingdom’s forces have been gathered in this fort. They should be able to scrape up more soldiers through conscription after all. If we leave them as is, there’s a possibility that they would come after us in a pincer attack.

Also should we be defeated, although I pray it won’t have to come to that, there’s a huge difference between having and not having a line of retreat.” (Tonino)

Tonino carefully explains to Carlo.

Carlo, having understood the matter, nods to show his satisfaction to Tonino’s answer.

“Then what would you do next?” (Carlo)

“Let’s see…….For the meantime, let’s test their military potential. I’ll bring out the slave soldiers.”(Tonino)

At Tonino’s order, the battle slaves line up to formation. They are slaves obtained from the war with the Gillbed Kingdom.

The one thousand slaves assault Fort Terrier.

“The first wave has come…….They’re wearing collars and chains, huh. It seems they have sent slaves first.”

Perm mutters so.

Now that he mentioned it, they certainly are wearing collars and chains.

Furthermore, their equipment is crude too. There are even some who wear only a piece loin cloth and wield only a stick as weapon. This means they’re completely disposable to them, huh.

The thousand slaves separate into two groups. Each began to attack the North and South Gates respectively. Naturally, they aren’t able to cross the moat.

They tried reaching the fort gates by jumping into the moat and swimming across. Their lack of equipment was a blessing in disguise as not a lot of them drowned on the way.


“Listen. There’s no need to aim. Just let it fly into a barrage.”

“Haha. Ain’t this convenient. We’ll show you the fruits of our practice!”

Gram and Bartolo signal the archers to attack.

Fundamentally speaking, bows are not meant to be aimed in war. You fire them in volleys. In other words, it’s basically firing a lot hoping some hit the target.

If you went the other way and tried aiming the bow, you’d only give the enemy an opening to attack.

The enemies are currently swimming across the moat.

Because of a movement spell, they were easy targets for the bowmen.

The battle slaves sink in the water after they get hit one after another.

However, they desperately put up a bridge. The slaves ran across that, bringing over ladders, and tried to climb over the fort walls.

“At any rate, their equipment is so crude, huh.”

Gram hits a slave with an arrow.

The battle slaves are wearing nothing above their waists and have no form of protection whatsoever. One by one they get hit by the arrows and sink into the water.

“Oh, they’re retreating, huh.”

Bartolo drinks liquor while looking at the soldiers turn their backs. He stops his bowmen from shooting at them.

It’s pointless to waste valuable arrows. Their fates have been sealed after all.

“Haa, you incompetent lot. I thought at least one of you would’ve made it up across the fort walls but……I guess it was my fault for raising my hopes on you, huh.”

Tonino gazes at the returning battle slaves.

He then orders his bowmen.

“Kill them all.”

Not even ten seconds have passed. All retreating slaves were shot and killed.

“Now then, let’s confirm their identities. Let’s also have their families killed. Those who aren’t here shall be considered heroically killed-in-action. Send a message via falcon to have their families released from slavery.”

Tonino keeps his promises.

Even if it was made with slaves.

“Now then, battle slaves. Your sacrifice won’t be forgotten!! With this, a bridge across the moat was established. Main army, advanc……what the?”

Tonino doubts his eyes.

Somehow, the bridge was suddenly blown away.

He couldn’t understand what was happening.

“Tha, that’s the rumored fire medicine!…….Cheating bastards!!”

Just like that, they had to start their siege over to step one.

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