What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1312 I Keep Forgetting I'm The Centre


Umm… You know how I said to just let things happen?

I don\'t know how to put this but… There\'s a war going on outside right now…

I stared at the planets and stars being thrown around outside the centre of the universe, the gods having dissolved into a full scale fight with each other… Just because they couldn\'t agree on whether Iris or myself was better…

The \'event\' where they were supposed to find me in the festival ended up being completely forgotten, though Cai Hong was the winner of it and she didn\'t even know anyway.

"Err… Should we put a stop to that?" I asked for the second time.

Manami looked up at the sight, "Ara, ara? Why do we need to? They\'re just playing around aren\'t they?"

I think this has gone beyond the scope of just \'playing around\'... If it wasn\'t for the fact that this place was protected by a barrier, things would have been really bad…

Look, look… A planet just crashed into the barrier and exploded into pieces… That\'s definitely not at the level of playing around anymore…

Or maybe it is for gods… I dunno, I haven\'t been familiarising myself with the divine community for a long while…

I sighed, "Putting that aside… The festival\'s pretty much empty now, isn\'t it?"

Looking down at the festival grounds below us, the space that had been filled to the brim with various gods and goddesses was now completely devoid of anyone aside from the clones of my disciples.

Even though the Supreme gods weren\'t part of the fight above, they still had their duties so they had to return after only spending a short while here.

Because of all this, I don\'t even know if this festival could be seen as a success or a failure… Now I\'m feeling a little bad since I\'m part of the reason that there\'s a fight happening right now…

My emotions must have shown on my face since Lian Li tilted her head at me, "Master? Is something wrong this time? Did we… Did we displease you with the festival after all?"

I shook my head, "No, no, the festival was fun even though I only got to see a little of it. But despite all of you putting in so much effort to prepare this festival, it ended up like this… I\'m afraid that this might have become a failure because of me."

Kiyomi poked my arm, "Master… Could I ask if you are still bored?"

"Huh? How can I be bored with all this going on?"

"In that case, the festival is undoubtedly a success, isn\'t it? The whole point of the festival was to help Master stop feeling bored, so if Master is no longer bored, it has already served its purpose and thus it can\'t be a failure!"

Oh right, I actually forgot that they suggested to do this event just because I told them I was a little bored…

I suppose if we were to just take that into account, this festival did succeed in that regard.

Lilith, being one of the only gods who weren\'t involved in the fight, cuddled herself against my side.

"It\'s no big deal, Daddy. This is what usually happens between them when they\'re gathered together anyway. The two extremes of yours and Mother\'s fans."I think you should take a look at

"I thought they were in a cold war or something?"

"Oh sure, most of them don\'t usually fight like this but there\'s definitely skirmishes that happen from time to time. It\'s just that this time it\'s on a larger scale~"

Her definition of larger scale is having almost all the gods on both sides involved I see…

I turned my gaze back to the war in space, "How long do these \'skirmishes\' last?"

Lilith tapped her chin with a finger, "Well… In terms of Daddy\'s old World\'s time… I guess maybe the shortest could be around a decade or two but if it\'s on this scale… Maybe a century or three?"

I blinked at her, "That\'s… Not good is it? What about the Worlds they are in charge of? They\'re just going to neglect them?"

She shrugged, "It wouldn\'t be the first time this happened actually. Why does Daddy think that some of the Worlds seem to be neglected or suffering from some major disasters?"

"Err… Then isn\'t that even more reason for us to put a stop to this?"

"Hmm? There\'s no reason to, is there? This is also one of the fates that the Worlds would experience. To the denizens in those Worlds, it would be a Godless age before their Gods return, it\'s just part of the cycle, really."

So it\'s one of the rules of this universe… Is that it? Did I really make it with that in mind? I guess I shouldn\'t question it…

I turned to the rest of my disciples, "Are you all alright with this happening above us for the next century or so?"

Lian Li giggled, "Ehehe~ Oh Master, this is your home~ We should be the one asking you that question. If Master does not wish for such a rowdy bunch of Gods taking up space in front of your doorstep, you only need to tell us and we will get rid of them for you~"

"Err… I\'m not really that hung up about it so I can just leave them there for now… Anyway, I guess we can just continue enjoying the festival? Although it\'s just going to be us now…"

Yeah… I don\'t know if we should even continue with the festival anymore because of this… There\'s not really a point if the only participants are just us right?

Iris then stepped forward, "Ufufufu~ As I thought, this would not do, Master. Please allow me~"

She clapped her hands together and all of a sudden, all the gods and goddesses that had been above us fighting with each other disappeared and reappeared in the festival.

All of them looked confused for a moment before they went right back to perusing the festival stalls like their earlier fight never happened.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Ufufufu~ I simply Ended their sense of conflict, Master~ There\'s no need to hold back on punishing them if Master so wishes~ They are, after all, your creations~ Did Master already forget? You are the All Creator, your word is law. Whatever you wish will become reality. There is no longer a need to hold back, Master. You can just reach out and take or change whatever you wish."

Right… I\'m still trying to wrap my head around that part… I\'ve been out of the community for so long after all…

Maybe I need a new hobby?

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