What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 899: Alchemist VS Cosmic Bastard

Chapter 899: Alchemist VS Cosmic Bastard

(Lian Li POV)

I made my way out of the bushes merrily, feeling like nothing could go wrong today.

Master filled both Eris and I with so much love I doubt even that piece of cosmic trash could change it.

Naturally, both Eris and I made no attempts to clean ourselves after we were done with our lovemaking session, just so that we could both feel Master\'s love in between our legs even as we joined the rest of our sisters.

I spotted Master talking to Brendan while accompanying Cai Hong a short distance away, so I took the opportunity to head towards the rest of my sisters who were obviously still affected by that piece of trash.

Ehehehe~ They have no idea what they had missed out on~ That\'s too bad, but Master\'s first ejaculation of the trip belongs to Eris and I! Muahahahaha!

Mmmm… Now that I have Master\'s assurance, there is nothing for me to worry about anymore.

"Hello girls, what are you doing?" I asked, trying my best to keep the smugness out of my voice.

"Ara, ara? Where did the two of you go? You missed out quite a big show just now," Manami giggled.

Eris tilted her head, "Oh? What did we miss?"

Diao Chan licked her lips, "Oh he was doing some really nice stretches over there. Pretty sure he was doing it deliberately so that we could see and enjoy it~"

Ah, I can\'t get used to this. Diao Chan and Manami are actually fawning over someone else that isn\'t Master.

Just in case, I tried prodding them about it.

"Did you notice Master though? Don\'t you think Master looks much more sumptuous than him?"

All of the girls gave me confused looks like they didn\'t understand what I had just said.

"Eh? Why would you even call Master sumptuous? Master is simply just Master, isn\'t it?" Diao Chan rebutted me.

Oh my? If I were to record this and replay it back to her after this was over, I think Diao Chan would want to find a hole and bury herself in it.

At least she isn\'t salivating over him I suppose, otherwise that would have been really embarrassing for her.

I noted that the trash was looking in my direction now, probably considering if he should manipulate me again.

Taking this opportunity, I decided to try and keep ourselves occupied so that we don\'t have more reasons for us to hate ourselves later on.

"Shall we play something since we\'re here? Master did bring us all here to relax after all."

Elaria turned to me, "Ah! Shall we have another volleyball game?"

Ah… That game where we need to use whatever means necessary to hit the ball over the net? It should be sufficient enough as a distraction I suppose.

Right as I was about to agree to it, a hand landed on my shoulder and the bastard was there, standing beside me with a smug grin on his face.

"Oh, what\'s this? Are you girls playing a game? Do allow me to participate too."

I felt the sense of disgust well up within me but before it could boil over, I felt there was nothing wrong with his appearance. It\'s better if everyone had fun together, right? Yes, that made sense…

After all, if he\'s here to play with us, we get a really nice eye candy to look at while we--

"In that case, allow me to join too. I\'m getting bored myself," Brendan announced, appearing suddenly.

How odd, I never thought Brendan would want to join us voluntarily. Maybe he was being stressed out by being with Master?

I turned towards where Master was and I found Lilith had taken Brendan\'s place to accompany Master and Cai Hong. The three of them seem to be having quite a bit of fun in building those sandcastles, all three of them had smiles plastered on their faces.

Hmm… I could feel a little bit of irritation at the sight but I don\'t know why?

Cain smiled at our alchemist, "Oh? Of course! The more the merrier."

Brendan returned his smile with one of his own, "Speaking of which, would you mind removing your hand from my senior sister? We only just met you today and I don\'t think you should be acting so comfortable with us."

The hand on my shoulder tightened, "Oh? Are you perhaps… Interested in dad\'s girls as well? I can help you with that as well, you know? Don\'t you think I would be a better person to follow than him?"

Hmm? What is he saying? Why is he… Oh?

Oh my… Now that I look at Brendan… He actually doesn\'t seem that bad of a catch… He has a good family background and his looks aren\'t bad either. After spending so long together, we\'re also quite familiar with each other so we knew each other\'s nuances.

Actually… The more I looked at him, the more I realised how attractive he was. How have I not realised these feelings hidden inside me for so long?

Brendan tilted his nose at him in the universal gesture of looking down at someone, "You really are pitiful, you know that?"

Diao Chan immediately bristled at his comment, "Brendan?! What are you saying?! How could you…"

However, she quickly shut her mouth after Cain waved his hand at her.

The Demon raised an eyebrow at Brendan, "Am I now? Do explain how am I pitiful to you?"

Our alchemist sighed, "You continue to chase after someone who holds absolutely no interest to you, directing your frustration at not being able to get what you want upon others and still cling onto an impossible dream."

Cain\'s face immediately turned ugly, "You dare say that to me? Do you not see Mother? She is perfection manifest! Even you should understand that there is nothing more desirable in existence than obtaining Her."

"She is a perfect beauty, that I will agree with you."

"Then aren\'t you a hypocrite for calling me out?"

Brendan sighed, "Because I never once thought about \'obtaining\' her. The only thing I care to seek is my Master\'s approval. Something I know you will never get."

"You dare? Do you think I will not hurt you just because you are dad\'s disciple?"

Brendan smiled at him, "How about a bet?"

That caught everyone\'s attention.

Cain raised a curious eyebrow at him, "What kind of bet?"

Brendan gestured towards the beach, "The volleyball game. I challenge you one on one with our aspirations on the line. I beat you and you return my sisters back to normal. You win and I will leave my Master to aid you in your love pursuits."

"Ha! Why would I even need your help?!"

"Because aside from Master, I believe I\'m the only male in existence who has spent an inordinate amount of time with Iris, am I right?"

Cain stared at him for several moments before blurting out, "Who the hell is Iris?"

There was silence for a few seconds.

Brendan looked at him incredulously, "Master gave a name to her… Did you not know?"

That answer seemed to shock Cain greatly, "Dad… Named Mother?"

"Huh… It seems I can also add in that I have information pertaining to her that no one else has too. So are you up for the challenge or not?"

Cain\'s brows furrowed, "You underestimate me, mortal… If it\'s a duel you want then fine, I\'ll give you one. Prepare to forsake your master!"

Erm… How did all this happen?

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