Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 298 - 298. World Record

The match with Ombrelune was here. Magnus desired to break the record today so that his name can be remembered forever. Not just because of the record, but also because this was the first-ever inter-school championship. Nobody ever forgets the first-ever in anything.

"Emma, I need you this time," Magnus told her before heading out.

Emma blushingly asked, "Sure, whatever you want, Mag."

He smiled, "I know that. I need you to try to do a trick with the team. I want all of you to create a wall in front of the golden snitch, try to create a negative air pressure due to you flying ahead of it. All I want is for the air to not accelerate it. I will be right behind you, the snitch will have no option but to either get caught or keep on flying until it gets caught by me." .

"What about the quaffle? What if they score?" She inquired.

"Don\'t worry, one score will only get them 10 points, meanwhile if we catch the snitch, we end the game by getting 150 points. So don\'t worry about the enemy team." He assured her.

She had the utmost confidence in him, so she nodded and ran to tell this plan to the rest of the team. They too agreed on the grounds that this was Magnus\' last regular match. He will not play with them again if they can win without him.

Soon, the teams took their position in the sky, the weather was sunny and slightly warm today, even though it was winter. The air was present, but not enough to give any push to anything. Now only if it stays like that for a few seconds.


The referee started the game like before. The Ombrelune team was quick to move and they got the hold of the quaffle. But, shocking them, they faced no resistance, zooming past them the Slytherin team blocked the path of the snitch.

Magnus had a big smile on his face as he sensed an opportunity, the snitch got thrown back by the multiple brooms in front of it, Magnus at that moment used his trick, he lit his feet on fire and pushed himself forward.


"THE FASTEST IN THE HISTORY OF QUIDDITCH! ONLY THREE SECONDS! I REPEAT, ONLY THREE SECONDS! Slytherin has made history." the announcer shouted like he won the game himself.

People were expecting an amazing quick game this time as well so they all had their full focus, unlike the last time. None of them missed the moment Magnus caught the golden snitch.

"GO GO MAGNUS! WIN-WIN MAGNUS!" The cheerleaders that no one hired were dancing and cheering for his win, betraying their own school.

Dumbledore, standing in the teacher\'s spectator tower, was smiling giddily, ~Magnus, you boy, can\'t live a day without making news.~ he turned back to Madame Maxime and extended his hand, "Well, you lost the wager, Madame, Mr Pendragon won under five seconds this time."

Madame Maxime was not angry, instead, she was marvelling. She quickly took out a golden coin from her purse and handed it to Dumbledore while speaking, "Marvellous, to think this boy could have turned out to be a godly quidditch player even if he wasn\'t all the other things baffles me,"

"It\'s a normal day in Hogwarts, Madame. Ever since he has arrived at the school, no day goes by silently. Sometimes his pranks are too much but they make you laugh in the end." Dumbledore praised Magnus. The school had a love or hate relationship with him, and it surely was more love than hate.

"I expect nothing less from the future of the wizarding world. Let\'s go, I believe this marks the unofficial end for the Inter-school championship. The quiz is just a formality to please the education board of the ministry." She said and walked down from the tower.

At the same time, in the field, Ragnar, Severus, Lily and James joined their celebrations. The opposing team was feeling disheartened, the game ended before they could even make a goal with the quaffle. But their captain was experienced and didn\'t allow them to feel too sad. The reason being he had already expected such an outcome.

Magnus shook hands with all of them and returned to the changing room with his team. All of them were happy and they were going to be stars in the newspapers soon. Magnus was also going to specifically promote this championship in the papers zealously. He wanted other schools around the world to also take part in Inter-School Championship. This was the exact reason they named it Inter-School and not Hog-Beaux Championship or something.

"EVERYONE! Let\'s give Magnus the appreciation he deserves." Emma shouted.

Out of the blue, all the boys lifted him in the air and started throwing him up. "HIP HIP HURRAY! LONG LIVE SLYTHERIN! LONG LIVE MAGNUS!"

Magnus enjoyed this. But, then all of a sudden he felt something prick him on the ass. He tilted his head and looked, it was Ragnar. "RAG, YOU BASTARD. STOP PRICKING ME WITH THE NEEDLE!"

Ragnar heartily laughed, playing pranks on his brother.

Soon, they changed their clothes and gathered with everyone in the great hall. The celebrations were held here, it was a normal snack party as they were just around the evening. The match was supposed to last longer but too bad.

"Emma, best of luck managing the team from next year. You can ask for help anytime you want." Magnus said.

She nodded and cheekily smiled, waving a letter in front of his face, "I guess I should also wish you luck. Look who just got selected by the national team."

"They selected me?" Magnus snatched the letter and read it. It was indeed true. "I guess... you should wish them luck that they last until I turn 14. Anyway, let\'s eat."

Dumbledore and Madame Maxime gave their speeches later, marking the end of the championship. The next day, the quiz was held, where Magnus\' team lost, the reason being that they didn\'t know enough about France\'s magical history.

Magnus didn\'t even try, he let them have this worthless award to at least not feel damaged in the ego aspect. And on Sunday, they finally headed back to Hogwarts. Magnus had to sneak through the underground tunnels to avoid the fangirls who were roaming the corridors of the school.

Still, he didn\'t disappoint them, as he arranged for a special gift for them.


Magnus left through the portkey in the Ministry of Magic of France. The moment they arrived in the UK, they heard a loud round of applause. The minister was there, Moody, Kingsley and many more Aurors were present. They were all smiling ear to ear, winning this championship with such an overwhelming result was a matter of pride for them all. This gave them the validity that their school was the best in Europe.

Magnus let them live in their shallow dreams. The truth was, it was due to him that they won so many gold medals. Otherwise, only Ragnar, Lily and Severus would have won.

Dumbledore was their official guardian so he was at the front, "Thank you for welcoming us, madam Minister. I\'m sure everyone at the school is waiting for us. We shall go now."

The minister facilitated their departure. But at that time Magnus saw Moody\'s fake eye signalling him to stay and come with him. So he talked with Dumbledore, "Professor, I need to talk about some business with the minister. I will return in 15 minutes."

Dumbledore had no reason to say no, since Magnus had been to the ministry many times and even had a deeper relationship with it than him.

So Magnus waited for everyone to leave. Once he was alone, he asked, "What happened?"

The minister was still there, she was more loyal to him than even the ministry. Magnus was slowly turning her into one of his most loyal followers, and one day if she proves herself, she might even become a part of the Order of the Merlin.

"Follow me, one of the Death Eaters, related to Avery family confessed something strange in one of my intero... questioning," Moody replied.

"What exactly?" Magnus stopped.

Moody looked like he was having constipation, Eugenia too. They seemed frightened to even speak about it. Moody didn\'t reply completely, "Just follow me and look at the memory from the pensieve. You will understand."

"Yes, your majesty. It was too shocking for us. We didn\'t even record his statement in the official documents and kept the memory with us. Except for the two of us, nobody knows. Moody even made sure to use occlumency on the guards to ensure they didn\'t hear anything. If what that Avery family\'s lord said is true, then I\'m afraid it will shake the world." She looked outright frightened.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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