Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 154 - 154. The Clown

Magnus did not know that his letter had enraged someone with too much inflated ego and self-importance. By now, he expected that everyone in the British magical circle would know that messing with him was not a good choice. He could cause damage to them in so many ways they couldn\'t even imagine.

"Mag, look, there\'s your photo in the newspaper," Ragnar told him, while they sat in the great hall and ate breakfast. ​​

Magnus, still a bit drowsy because of studying all night, looked at the paper. There his photo was, with his mum and dad.

"Hmm, why would Rita publish my parents\' photo? I told her to keep them away from all this." He wondered.

"She didn\'t write it, Mag. Look at the headline." Ragnar pointed out.

Alerted, Magnus\' eyes opened fully and he took the newspaper. The headline said, "Danger To Magical World, An Imperialist Dream Of A Child."

He continued reading it. But the first line he read made him angry. "Merlin\'s descendant, Magnus, with his various loud surnames, is still unable to hide his secret desires to rule Magical Britain.

"Just as his parents are dogs of the muggle government, he wants to turn us into their dogs too, because, in the end, he will be the ruler of muggles. But Mr Pendragon needs a reminder that we are not his subjects, magical Britain never had a king and never will..."

Magnus continued to read it till the end. It was all nonsense spewed by someone with an agenda, it was obvious from this article. But, Magnus was very angry, not only its person called his parents Dogs, but he also put their photo on the paper. This will make some bad people interested in them.

"What did I do to this guy now? This... Oscar Thumbling. I don\'t even know this name, and I would have surely not forgotten such a funny name." He talked to himself in a low voice.

"Maybe he just doesn\'t like your face. Even I feel like punching it sometimes." Ragnar joked.

"And I feel like letting Chad sleep on your face sometimes after feeding him stinky beans," Magnus replied.

Ragnar\'s face paled, "No no... I don\'t want to smell his natural breeze. Focus on this problem, Mag. We need to deal with him. How dare he talk bad about aunt and uncle."

"Mum and dad, you should call them that. And this guy... I\'m going to dig his grave if he turns out to be a bad seed. You wait here, I might skip the 1st class today. Just tell Professor McGonagall that I\'m working on some new spell." Magnus got up.

"Okay, tell me what happened later," Ragnar replied and let him leave.


Magnus arrived at his office under the teacher\'s living quarters. It was empty currently so there was no one to see him.

He quickly locked the door and called George.

"Go to MEDA and bring Adrian here." He ordered.

George saluted and vanished. After a few minutes, he had another person with him.

Adrian looked around at the room and felt strange with the magic. But he still had no idea where he was because there was no window in the room.

Magnus took the newspaper and pushed it to him, "You used to work in the Ministry. Do you know about this Oscar Thumbling?"

"Hmm, how can one forget this name? It was too funny. Ever since he joined the ministry he was deemed a funny guy, the clown of the Ministry.

"He was so annoying to all that nobody liked to work with him. In his career, he was transferred from one department to another, until he finally landed at the propaganda division. It seems he\'s not doing a very good job.

"Never thought he was also a Dark Lord idoliser," Adrian revealed.

Magnus stayed silent and thought for a few seconds, "What would you say, is he also somehow working for Death Eaters?"

"I don\'t know. But, knowing how he is and how the Death Eaters make people work for them, I wouldn\'t be too surprised if he was working for them." Adrian said.

"Okay, I will put a top-priority contract for you. I want all information about him, from the moment he was born to right now. The payment will be transferred to the MEDA account." Magnus ordered him. Actually, Magnus was officially Adrian\'s boss, but he rarely meddled with their work, so Adrian enjoyed relatively high powers as the CEO.

After receiving the orders, Adrian immediately left with George. Then, George returned and asked, "What else can I do, sir?"

"You know the place, start digging a grave there. Just in case we might use it." Magnus instructed him.

George, for some reason excited, nodded. "Yes sir, I will do it right away."


Now, Magnus sat alone in the office. He was still not feeling very good, what happened today would have consequences. The Daily Prophet was a big newspaper with reach around the whole of Britain, and many people, who had no idea about the dirty politics of the Ministry, take everything in the newspaper as real.

It was a blatant attack on his image, that he had been painstakingly trying to establish.

"Hmm, I need reparations. This Oscar was a ministry employee who used the state-run newspaper to spread false propaganda. Hmm, a legal notice sounds good." He thought and decided to write a letter to his favourite Minister, Eugenia. She was his favourite because she was so incompetent. She acted like a strong woman but was actually useless.


"To, The Minister of Magic,

The blatantly ignorant and defamatory article published in the Daily Prophet this morning was an attack on the image of Royalty. This has caused irreversible harm to my image.

As the article was also written by one of your people, the Ministry holds all responsibility for what has happened. Because of this, I am legally suing the Ministry for 5 million Galleons, because you have caused me harm, which might take years to heal.

This is a notice, as well as a warning for what is yet to come. Also, if the Ministry fails to acknowledge their mistake in 24 hours, and issue an apology on the first page of the Daily Prophet, then I will destroy the Daily Prophet by starting a new paper and writing my handwritten articles, about how the Ministry came to possess their best propaganda tool.

I hope you will make the right decisions.


Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon."

[Letter Ends]

He finished his letter and sealed it with his monogram. Then, he called for summer and sent it to the Ministry.

But he did not end there. He was angry, and wanted thorough revenge, leaving no space for the enemy to one day recover. He wrote another letter. This was for Rita Skeeters.

[Letter Starts]

"You saw the newspaper. We are going to fight it. I want you to go ahead and buy 50 printing machines and then poach all the staff of the Daily Prophet by paying higher salaries, even if it\'s by a small margin they will come.

After that, start writing articles truthfully, about what is happening around the British Magical community and also to an extent the world. I want the draft ready by evening and we will roll out the papers tomorrow morning, free of cost. The paper is called Magical Daily, and its tagline will be True, Precise and Unwavering Journalism.

Do your magic and turn this into a beloved newspaper around the country. Also, add a small new segment to the paper, around in the middle. Call it the Glamour Daily. Add all the fashion, gossip and lifestyle-related news to this small 2-page segment.

Other than that, dedicate the second last 2 pages for sports, the pages before that to the economy and a few more pages for international news. Then reserve 1 page to print articles by famous people as op-ed articles, they will only show the opinion of the writer. I want this paper to stick to its tagline.

We will be bringing down the Daily Prophet and making Magical Daily the main newspaper of people. If you are able to do it successfully, I will consider rewarding you.

From Magnus."

[Letter Ends]

He again folded the letter and waited for Summer to return, then he sent her on a journey again.


Ministry of Magic,


Eugenia slammed her fist on her desk, roaring and seething in anger.

"WHO ORDERED YOU TO WRITE THIS? I want an answer, and I will have them, even if I have to use Veritaserum." She raged.

Oscar stood in front of her with a shrunken neck. He had not anticipated that the Minister would be so angry due to all this. He had only expected a few warnings.

"We... we can still talk to him... that we did not mean it." He suggested.


"You destroyed any chance of negotiations when you plastered the faces of his parents in the paper. And now he will not sit back unless he\'s brought us to our heels. I swear by Merlin\'s name, if I was not the Minister, I would have cast so many crucio curses on you. You are suspended and will await trial. All your money and property will be seized." She announced to him.

*Ow...* Summer arrived at her office proudly.

Eugenia\'s eyes shrunk, recognising the bird. "And here comes the harbinger of dread."

She took the letter and opened it, from start to finish, her face did not change from the previous frown. Instead, she had turned even angrier.

Looking back at Oscar, she said, "All your property will be sold to pay him the compensation for this little stunt of yours. Start preparing for your apology. Leave."


Unknown to Oscar, his death warrant was being signed slowly as Adrian prepared a record of his life.

~Argh... he was a degenerate through and through.~ Adrian muttered while coming upon some evidence that shook even him, proving Oscar was no simple office clown. He was the Pennywise of nightmares.~

[You can see the Magnus\' Monogram on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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