Black Iron Magician

Chapter 232: The Guild’s Official Monster’s Evaluation Standard

However, there are those who are different among monsters. They have human-like intelligence from an early age, acquired the Skills that the others wouldn’t pick, but regardless, they evolved as if saying ‘so what?’. Eventually, they became Demon Kings, jumped over the barrier of their species, and stand in the position of unifying monsters.

And those people are the highest-rank demon kings, the Great Eight Demons. It’s like an alliance of eight nations, so they basically do not interfere with each other’s territory, and they prevent conflicts by declaring the eight articles of non-aggression. The case of Hund and Lily this time is a rare case. That’s why the other Great Eight Demons are watching with great interest.

Now, you must be wondering about the level of these people, who are also known as the Great Demon Kings or Natural Calamities. Let’s check it with the monster’s evaluation standard that’s established by the Adventurer Guild.


The guild’s official evaluation standard of subjugation monsters that can be understood even by muscle-brains.

※ Let’s take the request after you’ve made sure that the monster suits your ability. In some cases, you may be asked to pay the appropriate penalty fee in advance. We hope you understand.

◇ Level 1 (Goblin and such)

Needless to say, they are weaklings. If you are a new adventurer, you should start with this level. However, don’t get carried away and charge into a group or nest of these monsters. Even if they are weak, they are also putting their lives on the line. At worst, you’ll be pushed by the sheer number and die. You don’t want the disgraceful title of ‘A Newbie Killed by a Level 1 Monster’, right? The Adventurer Guild recommends you to work hard diligently and not be greedy. Let’s enjoy adventurer life!

◇ Level 2 (Kobold and such)

They are not particularly tough, but they are monsters that you should never let your guard down. Let’s challenge them after you’ve gained some experience and after your party’s average level has risen. At first, fight one of them with your party, and if you can afford more, it’s not a bad idea to challenge a small group of them. However, a kobold boss is level 3 even though it’s a kobold! It’ll be disastrous if you meet one, so it’s important to choose your opponent carefully. Let’s learn how to judge it while you can. If not, you’ll die eventually.

◇ Level 3 (Slime and such)

These are monsters you should fight only after you have become a full-fledged adventurer. Even if the monster is alone, it’s doubtful whether a level 2 party can win against it. Even if you can, be prepared for casualties. As a side note, there have been reports of some new adventurers who are foolish enough to take on a slime. We would like to remind you that the slimes found on the ground are powerful enemies that are originally from under the sea (there are various theories) and have evolved there before coming to land. Even slime, which is the basic species, has level 3 power, such as resistance to blows and a trait of melting what is taken in, so please do not uselessly rush into it. In the worst case, you will die while experiencing long suffering.

◇ Level 4 (Griffon and such)

At this level, the degree of difficulty would be where the most skilled adventurers in the guild are in charge of this. Even a full-fledged adventurer who’s confident in their strength shouldn’t carelessly get involved. From level 4 onward, it is also a matter for the country’s knights to handle. If you find such a monster, please report it to the guild immediately. We may give you a reward for useful information, so please make survival your top priority. It is important to note that you should not escape to a nearby village if you are found by the monster. Your rash decision may result in the destruction of an entire village. It’s important to run away, but in some cases, it’s also important to give up.

◇ Level 5 (Dragon and such)

Let’s not enter the place where such a monster appears. If you have the misfortune of running into one, I can only say, my condolences. It’s rare for them to let you go in one piece. Level 5 is the stage where all the knights in the country will be involved in subjugating it. Any experienced adventurer will run away immediately the moment they see one. If you could defeat a level 5 monster, your name would instantly become famous. Being recommended as a hero is not a dream anymore. However, it’s better not to dream about it.

◇ Level 6 (Demon King and such)

This is the level where we want to ask you why you encountered such a monster in the first place. Level 6 is already a unique monster, a stage where there’s only one in that race and is called Demon King by the public. A Demon King is a monster that should be defeated by the hero, so adventurers are just in the position to support the hero. During the operation, the country and the guild will cooperate and act under precise measures, so no matter how free-spirited adventurer you are, please follow the orders only at this time. Please note that if you violate it, you will be fined or exiled from the guild.

◇ Level 7 ~ ? (The Great Eight Demons and such)

The country will be destroyed. Let’s hope for the next life.


「The explanation about us is rough, isn’t it!?」

――Maria suddenly shouted when I was kindly explaining the threat of monsters established by the guild. What’s wrong with this loli-baba, is she at the age where she suddenly wants to scream?

「Well, even though it’s guild’s official evaluation standard, it’s just for beginners in the end. I’m sure they won’t expect to fight level 7 monsters or higher from the beginning. Besides, you guys haven’t been causing any major wars lately.」

「That’s right. A person who can fight against the Great Eight Demons would be a hero who would go down in history.」

Muu~, I still can’t accept it~!」

I can’t tell if this is an act or a genuine reaction….

「Then I’ll explain it instead. Unless you’re a hero recognized by a superstate, it’s impossible. That’s all.」

「It’s rough, isn’t it!?」

「That’s the fact after all. It’s only a skirmish right now, but for the public, Vakala is putting pressure, right?」

「Eh~, what about Deris and Nell~? Even Agalia is having high hopes for you, you know~?」

「Setting Nell aside, I’ve already stepped back from the front line. What do you think I’m taking a disciple for?」

「「…… A hobby?」」

O-Oh, you sure understand me.

「Ah, both sides have gathered at the designated place.」

Now is the battle against the Great Eight Demons, which the guild has given up on the countermeasure. I wonder what will happen.

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