Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 106 - 106. Bad Omen

The memories started from the man\'s childhood.


His name was Thomas, and he was sorted into Ravenclaw. A half-blood Wizard.

"You have passed the Auror exam and will now be on probation..." This was 10 years ago. By now, he had gotten promoted to being the senior auror.

"Our mission is simple, to eradicate the terrorists. They are targeting common wizards and are a threat to our existence. Dismissed." These were the orders he received from his senior.

So, when he went to investigate a Death Eater case, he directly came upon a death eater taking his mask off, and what he saw shocked him. It was his own colleague.

"But sir, I saw with my own eyes. I can give you the memory." He revealed it to his superior.

"It was an undercover auror. Forget what you saw." he was instructed.

"But sir, he killed a family, an innocent family, with children..." Thomas argued.


"ENOUGH... Sometimes, sacrifices are necessary to do the right thing. Now leave." He was ordered.

Thomas angrily left the ministry and went to his home. He wanted to do something but didn\'t know what. He had no big-name allies. He would\'ve gone to Moody but the man was on some mission.

To cool himself off, he decided to take a leave and spend time with his family. Surprisingly, his leave was granted immediately even though there was so much work in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

But, a few days later, when he was asleep, a loud noise sounded from the downstairs of his house.


"THOMAS SHELBY!... COME OUT, YOU BLOOD TRAITOR..." shouts came from downstairs.

As soon as he heard that, he knew who it was at his door. He realised that he was sold out and the ministry was compromised because the house of an auror was meant to be a high-level secret. He looked at his wife and the scared little daughter.

"GO! apparate away to Hogsmeade and then go to Hogwarts. I will meet you there." He instructed them. He was scared for their lives more than his own.

Seeing the doubt on their faces, he shouted. "GO NOW! Please..."

His wife finally nodded and apparated away with their daughter.

Then, Thomas went ahead to fight them. But he was on the losing end in the end and got hit by a piercing charm on his stomach. As he was falling he used the last of his energy to apparate on top of the Hogwarts Express.

After that, he stopped the train and entered when it was nighttime.

Magnus retracted himself from Thomas\'s mind.

"Ragnar, give him a blood replenishing potion. He was hit by a piercing charm on his stomach. By death eaters of course." Magnus ordered.

Knowing this, Ragnar felt at ease and quickly took out a bottle from his bag.

Magnus went forward and patted Thomas\' shoulders, "Don\'t worry, I\'m sure your wife and daughter are okay. I will take you to Dumbledore later."

"T-thank you... Your majesty..." Thomas cried.

"Sit on the seat now, you\'re injured. Drink this Potion to get better." He helped him. While thinking in his mind.

~No wonder Minister Eugenia can\'t do anything. She has no power over the ministry.~ he thought.


Suddenly Emma coughed, she looked at Magnus with starry eyes. "YOU WERE SO COOL!"

Magnus shook his head, "Grow up, we\'re facing a serious situation here. Ministry has been compromised, this means that nobody is safe. Be it a muggle-born, half-blood or pure-blood. If you don\'t follow them, they will come after you, disguised as Ministry men."

This made all of them turn a bit serious. James quickly got worried, "I need to tell my parents..."

"NO! Don\'t send it through normal mail. Summer will send it, do not trust any Ministry aided organisation. They could be spying on us." Magnus warned them.

Sirius was calm though, "Hmm... I\'ve got nobody to talk to. It\'s probably my family in the first place who are behind some of this mess. They\'ve been giving money to the ministry for a while now, how do you think my grandfather got the Order of Merlin first class?"

Magnus sighed in disappointment, "The level of corruption in the Ministry is too crazy. The whole Ministry needs to be purified and made new from the foundation."

He turned to Thomas to ask him some more questions but saw him sleeping and decided to ask later. First, getting him to reach Hogwarts safely was important.

After a few more hours, they finally reached the Hogsmeade Station. All the students got off and went to the school on carriages pulled by Thestrals.

They were a breed of winged horse with a skeletal body, face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat\'s. They looked pretty in a way. Only people who had seen death could see these creatures.

So, Magnus and Ragnar were able to see them easily. But, none else in their group saw the creatures.

Magnus went ahead and gave it a good pat on its head and travelled to Hogwarts. Until now, all things were magically done so nobody was able to stop Thomas from coming with them.

But once they arrived at the gates, professor Flitwick quickly stopped them.

"Professor Dumbledore should meet him. He\'s an ex-auror." Magnus seriously told him.

Flitwick taught charms and Magnus was his best student, so of course, he didn\'t mind helping out. Also, Magnus had no reason to do anything bad.

"You go in, I will take him to Professor after shutting the gates," Flitwick said.

Magnus agreed to this, "You follow him, don\'t worry, everything will be fine. Dumbledore will find your family soon. Or who knows, maybe they\'re already inside the school."

Thomas thanked him and went to Professor Flitwick.

Done with the scenario, Magnus headed to the dorms first to set Chad and Summer free.

"What did you do this holiday, Sev?" Magnus asked.

"Worked on making better Potions and some spell making. What about you?" Severus asked back.

Magnus smiled like a true capitalist, "I sold a diamond and made about 486 million dollars. And Ragnar gained weight."

Snape, had his jaw drop open, "So much money for a diamond? WHY?"

"Haha, Magic..." Magnus replied and headed to the Great Hall for dinner.


At the same time, Flitwick had brought Thomas Shelby to Dumbledore. Thankfully, the old man granted a meeting.

Thomas told everything to him, about his job, about his family. Dumbledore also used Legilimency on him, but without asking and he only used it to see surface thoughts.

"I know about your family. They arrived in Hogsmeade not long ago, they have been staying in my brother\'s place. Don\'t worry, they are safe." Dumbledore revealed.

Hearing this, Thomas took a sigh of relief. "T-Thank you, can you help me protect my family from them, Professor?"

Thomas was more informal with Dumbledore because when he was in Hogwarts, Dumbledore was just a Professor and had a very good relationship with students.

Dumbledore rubbed his long beard. That was his signal that he was thinking about it.

After a while, he answered. "I\'m sorry, but I\'m bound by the position I\'m in. I am just a headmaster, if it\'s the ministry coming after you, then perhaps you need to find someone whom Ministry can not move. Someone who has already brought ministry to its heels once. But, trust me, I will make sure your family stays safe."

Thomas\' shoulders slumped. He thought Dumbledore, the defeater of the last Dark Lord, would help him.


He suddenly stopped thinking negatively and used his brain. ~Someone the Ministry cannot move? Someone who has punished the ministry and the pure-bloods? OF COURSE, it\'s gotta be him.~

He now felt thankful, "Fine, professor. I will leave to see my family now."



Magnus sneezed loudly, making Ragnar get a jumpscare and dropping the chicken he was eating.

"DAMMIT, Mag. Stop spreading germs around here." Ragnar angrily complained.

Magnus lifted the corner of Ragnar\'s robes and cleaned his nose, "Ah... so you\'re studying the muggle biology book I gave? But, I rarely sneeze. I hope it\'s not a bad omen."

"I\'LL SHOW YOU BAD OMEN..." Ragnar shouted all of a sudden as he realised what had happened.

Magnus laughed and got up to run back to the dormitory.

"STOP! I\'m gonna wipe my ass with your robes now..." Ragnar chased after him. And that was the start of their new semester.


While this was going on. Ted was busy in the United States, conducting Magnus\' business.

"Wait... You want to buy this company? Haha... Please don\'t joke here, sir." The receptionist laughed.

But Ted\'s face stayed straight. He was wearing such an expensive suit and yet this girl thinks he\'s not serious. "No, I have already bought a majority of it actually. I\'m just going to announce it now. Just call the board of directors to the meeting room please."

Ted replied and headed to the upper floors of the building. The receptionist fell back on her chair with a ghostly face.

And that\'s how Magnus got one step closer to changing the world of medical science. But even he didn\'t know that someone else was also working on it, someone very close to Magnus.

[You can see Thomas Shelby on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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