Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 85 - 85. Grand Elder

As soon as he entered the boundaries of the castle, in front of him, a white horse appeared. But, when looked closely, he found it was actually a unicorn.

And soon after, many more magical animals as well as normal animals started coming out of the different alleys. There were more unicorns, lions, wolves Hippogriffs, big magical snakes, Nundu, Occamy, Sphinx, Griffin, Zouwu and many more magical creatures. ​​

All of them, even though so many of them were biologically each other\'s enemies, they were still there together.

"Woah... where did you all come from?" Magnus asked.


Zouwu was the first to get closer to him and started smelling him. Maybe it confirmed something and the next moment, it excitedly started licking his hand.

"Hahaha... you\'re like a huge cat." Magnus chuckled while petting it.

Then he looked back at the various animals. Merlin at the same time cleared the confusion, "I\'m glad they are all still living together like a family."

"Who took care of them?" Magnus asked.

"WE DID." All of a sudden, a voice came.

Magnus turned towards the voice and found a large Centaur there. Then a Goblin came to its side, and then a Veela. After that, all of them kneeled.

"Welcome back, your majesty," they said it together. In fact, the animals had also bowed their heads.

Magnus was taken aback, all he knew that these intelligent species were very prideful and never bowed to anybody. Why were they doing it for him, a human?

"Ah, don\'t do that. Kneeling is so old fashioned. We shake hands now." Magnus said.

"NO! Traditions must be kept. Each generation we have learned about the rightful king\'s return, each generation trains itself to be of use to the rightful king, and at last, our generation got the honour to see you. We cannot shame our ancestors by disrespecting you." The Centaur spoke in his majestic voice.

Merlin spoke from the portrait, "I am proud of you all. I brought all these magical and non-magical animals, and you all intelligent species on this island as an experiment, to see if we all can coexist. I was afraid that by the time an heir is chosen and returns, you all would have killed each other. BUT! I am happy that I was proven wrong. You all did very well, children."



Magnus\'s concentration was broken by a laughing sound from behind him. He turned around and saw his friends being greeted by the animals. Ragnar was so scared of the Nundu that was checking him out, Snape was surprisingly petting a snake. Then there was Bobby, shockingly, a baby Phoenix had come from somewhere and it was now at the movement in the process of grooming him by licking.

Unicorns were the only bunch still maintaining a distance as they were a very shy and prideful bunch.

"You made this castle?" Magnus asked Merlin.

"Yes, not just this castle but every single inch of this whole island, even the island itself. Every single grain of this island was made with my magic imbued in it. I used all kinds of magic and artefacts I collected from around the world. This island is made of magic, or it would be right to say, it is magic." Merlin revealed.

"Where are all the humans?" Arthur quickly asked the Centaur.

"There was a war, they killed each other." the Centaur revealed.

Arthur felt saddened by this. "Well, I guess we\'re a hopeless bunch."

Magnus sighed, "I don\'t know what to say about this but I can kind of imagine what would have happened. Humans are very quick to pick weapons at each other on the point of difference in opinions. OKAY, don\'t turn this gloomy, what are your names?"

The centaur introduced himself first, "I am the chief of Centaur tribe, Arcilus."

"I am Goldruk, chief of Goblin tribe here." the goblin greeted.

The finally, the beautiful Veela spoke, "And I am Sylvie, the matriarch of Veela tribe."

Magnus felt a ting in his head when he heard her voice, but, it seems the magic of the island stopped any hormonal changes in his body.

He smiled and introduced himself, "Thank you for taking care of this place. I am Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. I hope to work alongside you all in the future."

"Oh, we\'re not the caretaker of this island. That would be the Grand Elder." Goldruk suddenly spoke up.

"There is someone with authority over you?" Magnus questioned.

"Of course, and she can be very scary sometimes. If you break rules, she makes you work until your body breaks." Sylvie shuddered just imagining it.

Even the majestic and proud Centaur was shivering.

~Woah... she\'s gotta be some scary person then.~ Magnus thought.

"Where can I meet the Grand Elder?" Magnus asked.

"She lives in the Royal Castle, keeping the place clean and beautiful with her own hands." Arcilus, the Centaur answered.

"Hmm, can you lead the way?" Magnus requested.

"Of course, please follow us." They started walking up to the royal palace at the top. Magnus, on his way, saw a lot more Goblins, Veela and Centaurs, living together, smiling and also bowing towards him.

There were not a lot of them though. Goldruk told them that there were Goblins, Centaurs and Veela as the only intelligent species and there were about 400 of them all combined. In fact, there were a lot more animals on the island.

So, the huge City Castle had just 400 people living in it. Magnus was going to keep it that way, he\'d rather have a peaceful small community than a chaotic big one.

"What do you all even do?" Magnus inquired.

Goldruk answered, "We mostly do smithing, enchanting and rune smithing, Centaur are good at travelling around so they are responsible for growing food in the fields, they also make very good potions. Veela, on the other hand, makes clothes and other basic necessities items. Our community may be closed but were are not dependent on the outside world."

"That\'s amazing. Do you know about the outer world?" Magnus inquired.

Arcilus replied, "Of course, every once in a while, a Goblin goes out there. They just go to sell or buy some special items. But they bring back newspapers from both magical and muggle world."

"None of you ever felt like leaving this Island?" Bobby asked.

Sylvie shook her head and answered, "No, we dislike the world outside. We know that were are considered lower than humans. We are discriminated against, so why would we want to live in that racist world? In fact, we pity all those that live outside."

"That is correct. Humans have refused to join together, again and again, it is clear throughout history. Be it muggle it, wizards." Ragnar said, as a first-hand victim of human monstrosity.

"AH, we\'re here, you may go inside. We are not allowed to enter without her permission." Arcilus stopped.

They were standing in front of a huge door. That was the only way to enter the area beyond.

Magnus nodded and went to push the door. It opened as easily as pushing a feather. The door fully opened, revealing the main castle of the king.

"OH... I missed this place so much." Arthur commented.

"Which one of you actually ruled this place?" Snape asked them.

"Oh, I had actually given it to Merlin, but, as the king, I was still the ruler. The other Camelot in the human world is already gone, destroyed by my so-called successors." Arthur explained.

"Wait... so this is where the real Round Table was formed?" Magnus asked in excitement.

"No, the real Round Table was formed in the muggle castle, we didn\'t make this place till much later. But, the real Round table, the one at which we sat is actually here." Arthur revealed.

Magnus was looking forward to it now. "Okay, let\'s meet this Grand Elder first."

He and his friends entered the castle. They were calling for this Grand Elder but nobody came to greet them.

Merlin told them the way towards the throne room. So, they eventually came to the hall. It was big and empty, there was only one place to sit at the end, it was for the king. Behind the throne was the dragon emblem.

"GRAND ELDER... WHERE ARE YOU?" Magnus shouted.

Nobody answered, so Magnus went to the throne and sat down on it. "Ahhh... this is very comfortable. I feel so sleepy just by sitting."

"Hehe, let me try too." Bobby came running. Magnus let him sit on it too, as the throne was too big for his little body.

"ME TOO..." Ragnar and Snape soon joined.

Arthur and Merlin chuckled. The throne belonged to the king of Britain and there were 4 kids, playing with it.

"Hehe... so he\'s the new king?" all of a sudden, an extra voice came. It was a female voice.

Magnus and the rest turned to look where it came from but there was nobody.

"IS THAT YOU, GRAND ELDER?" Magnus asked loudly.

"Hehe, yes, It\'s me, Your Majesty." the voice replied.

"Where are you?" Magnus asked.

"Behind you." the voice shocked the four of them sitting on the cramped throne.


You can see the Centaur, the goblin, the Veela and the throne room on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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