My Evil System

Chapter 166 Lucy Evolved . . . ?


Come to think of it. Lucy was acting weird. Blood was constantly dripping between two blades that served as its mouth. Its eyes were rolling and rolling, never stopping like it was on edge or something.

< It must be attuning to you, Host>

Attuning? I thought while parrying blows with the Goblins.

<All Artifacts are attuning to their new masters. In short, if your artifact took a liking to you, it would evolve and acquire new abilities>

Oh really?

<The months of feeding it blood finally paid off!>

Is that true, Lucy?

A powerful blow burst forth from Lucy, propelling dozens of Goblins away. Some fell on the mote, and some came crushing in town.

Are you going to evolve? I asked Lucy.

Instead of answering, Lucy vibrated before it pulsated hard in my hand. There were blood droplets appearing around Lucy, forming a torrent of blood like dancing silk around it.

It flew from my hand and went between me and the goblins. It was wrapped in a cocoon of blood like silk, and all I could do was watched when the blood broke like glass and Lucy\'s new form appeared before my eyes.

It got bigger. The flesh that was exposed before where the blade attached was now covered in metal armor. Its double blade was sharper, and the rows of sharp teeth in the center were more defined, taking the shape of a dragon\'s mouth. Its slit eyes on its hilt were redder like rubies encased in crystals, but it was still rolling around like it was seeking something.

Lucy returned in my hand, weightless still, but I felt the power pulsating within her. +100 STR and +70 INT was added to my stat when I equipped it. There was also a new skill it acquired.

[Blood Surge]

Apparently, if I have higher STR and INT than my enemies DEF and MDF respectively, then Lucy could control their blood for one time a day and their HP would be reduced to half in the process.

There was also a meter instead of a level. Apparently, I could only use this skill if the meter was full. And the more blood Lucy consumed, the faster the meter increased.

Let\'s try it, then.

Flexing Lucy in my hand, every swing rippled the air, and the Goblins probably felt that slight vibration that made small cuts onto their skin.

The Goblins took a step back, shrieking like they were wary of a threat.

I grinned. "No one is escaping. I need your blood."

The goblins must have sensed my killing intent as they ran away. I swung Lucy in their direction, killing all the goblins in a straight line before it twirled in the air and went back in my hand.

I let the others who were alive scurry away. They weren\'t my priority at the moment.

Lucy vibrated. She must have agreed with me, for she hated Goblins\' blood.

I poured the [Battle Hardened Wall] on the front wall. The liquid quickly spread wide and encompassed the whole castle walls, and it quickly did its intended purpose.

When I looked over at the Goblins, they were quick to fell into the mote, slipping away into their doom. Drowned goblins soon piled on the mote until it reached the height of the ground. Some of the Goblins used the corpses of their fallen comrade to climb again but found their actions futile.

They climb up but slip down again after a few tries. Their weapons couldn\'t pierce the stone walls, and there seemed to be a heavy force that prevented them from climbing up again.

And soon the goblin pouring in the battlement ceased, and when they did, the Grendelkin roared and threw a tree trunk on the walls. It didn\'t work for the walls didn\'t even vibrate now nor leave a crack from the force of impact.

Now that was out of the way, I went down and got back to where Thomas and Amara were.

That one-hour time limit would give me the time I needed to execute my next plan. I didn\'t have the chance to visit the ale since everything went hectic when the goblins\' armies appeared on the map.

Now that I have, I\'ll go there after meeting up with Thomas and Amara.

The goblins were the ones who made an effort to run away as soon as they saw me when I retraced my steps back to the others.

I wonder if my Evil\'s Halo increased, or was it just Lucy?

<Maybe both. The more your ATP increased, the more your Evil Halo increased as well>

At least it propelled weaker monsters away.

Now that the Goblins found that their numbers ceased, they were the ones who were running scared.

Except those who moved within groups and killed players and inhabitants that were easy to prey upon.

I even saw that Jin and Lina were stuck behind a wall and surrounded by goblins. Lina was still unconscious in Jin\'s arms, protecting her with his life. There was a dagger stuck on his shoulder, and there were cuts in all parts of his exposed skin.

He was poisoned as well, panting heavily as he shakily held his dagger and pointed it towards the goblins. His HP was decreasing, and his MP was zero.

He wouldn\'t last long at this rate.

If only he was alone, he could easily save himself. But I guess Lina was his bane.

Hmm . . .

With a swift strike of Lucy, all the goblins near them were cut into pieces and fell to the ground, their guts and blood sprayed on the ground.

<Oh, Host is saving them?>

I laughed inwardly. Didn\'t I tell you? I\'m not kind nor noble.

"Do you want my help?" I asked Jin.

Panting, Jin raised his head and tried his best to steady his gaze on my face.

"Y-you . . ."

"You\'re going to die. But I can save you . . . and her. With a price, of course."

I was very interested in Jin and his class. Not to mention that he was a BUG player. His assassination skills would surely come in handy in the future.

This was my chance if I wanted to bargain with him. After all, there was no better time to strike a deal than a man who had something to lose in the face of death.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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