Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 892 - The Price

"I want the price he promised me before," the dark angel mage roared and didn\'t hold back his aura, "or else you know what price he would pay for breaking his promises."

Arthur narrowed his eyes while feeling the change in the atmosphere. He didn\'t need the lady next to him to tell him anything about this to know he was already in a hard situation.

"I have already told you my price," Arthur slowly and seriously said.

"Say it again!" the dark angel mage seemed to not get what he meant.

And that made Arthur smile while repeating the words he said before to the letter:

"You can\'t kill me… you can\'t touch my people… you can\'t threaten me with anything…" Arthur paused before adding in a serious face and tone, "this is my price. Take it or leave it, it\'s up to you."

Arthur\'s words rang in the entire world while only heavy silence followed. The dark angel mage didn\'t speak, and neither did Arthur..

"There… is no scenario in this for you to survive anymore," the dark angel mage said in a threatening and promising tone.

"I don\'t care about any scenario," Arthur said in determination, "I\'ll carve my path with my own will and will crush anything blocking it!"

"Humph, we\'ll see…" the dark angel mage seemed about to retreat towards the single portal he created.

However he was stopped by the white angel mage.

"Does this mean you accept his price?" she said before laughing in a sweet way while putting a hand over her face that Arthur couldn\'t fathom yet, "if not… then my kid here is free to do whatever he wants with your kid, right?"

"If he touched a single hair of him," the dark angel mage retreated towards the portal alongside the ten grandmasters, "then I promise he will watch his own world crumble in front of his eyes before I kill him."

"Humph," Arthur said while watching them retreat and the portal closed.

The next instant, all fifty grandmasters appeared all around. Arthur looked at their faces and couldn\'t see any speck of fear or doubt.

They all had joy over their faces. As for George, he was proudly standing there while his smile would break up his face.

"Don\'t have any grudge over them," the white angel mage said, "they didn\'t move based on my orders."

"You wanted to test me?" Arthur asked while her words seemed more as an excuse than an explanation.

"I wanted to see what you are able to do," the white angel mage suddenly opened a portal behind her before adding, "I will take all and leave now. If you have any words for your masters then say it now."

Arthur watched her before moving his eyes towards George. "You should be happy, not look like this," George said while laughing. He was so proud and happy of Arthur at the moment that he couldn\'t control his laughs.

"Like what?" Arthur asked while giving him a stern look, "I sent you many messages and yet you didn\'t answer even one!"

"Don\'t blame him," the white angel mage defended George, "things out there are a bit hectic… that\'s the least thing I can say about that."

Arthur knew what she said was true. He was there and watched what was going on at the higher realms.

His eyes met with Aemie who only stood there with a big smile over her face as well. If Goerge was happy for his luck in meeting and discovering Arthur, then she was even luckier to meet him before this moment.

She had already thrown her net around him, and in her eyes no matter what Arthur would eventually fall in her clutches.

"You need to work your best in the next few years," the white angel said, "I know you have tons of questions to ask, however we have no time to waste here. What happened here transcends anything you might imagine. I\'ll keep an eye over you and no higher realm mages will interfere in the lower realms from this moment on."

Arthur gazed up at her for a long minute. "That\'s for the light side only?" he asked.

"That\'s for both sides," she said, "this is my reward for you being my successor. Consider your stay here as a training and rest period. Once you get up there, I promise you won\'t taste a single moment of rest for a very long time."

Arthur could only sigh while lamenting his luck. He never had such a happy life here, not like what he used to be before coming to this universe.

And now he was promised a much harsher life than what he lived so far. He couldn\'t help but feel bitter, however he couldn\'t do anything to change this.

All he could do was to stand there and watch the grandmasters leaving one by one.

"By the way," he suddenly remembered one thing, "how is things at the crow clan?"

He knew his crow friend came here to help despite breaking apart. He understood his reasoning and wanted now to have an answer to give to his friend.

"They… are still surviving," the white angel mage said, "they were attacked but reinforcements arrived and helped them at the right time."

"That\'s… relieving," Arthur took in a deep breath before smiling. He wanted to find the crow and tell him about this.

"Always remember this…" just as everyone passed through the portal, only Aemie, Goerge, and the white angel lady stood behind. "You need to conquer ten worlds and reign over a clan or an academy to rise up," Aemie said and Arthur nodded.

He already was well aware of this condition. He watched her pass through the portal before George stepped in it.

"Take this," just before he would vanish, a bracelet was thrown to him. "This will help you survive any dark plots or tricks from them."

Arthur grabbed the bracelet and checked it. To his surprise he found a hidden realm attached to it. He didn\'t have time to check it as it was the white angel mage\'s turn to leave.

"Fighting the world requires a will forged of iron," she said before adding, "but to conquer it one needs many allies and friends on his side. The goal isn\'t about fighting, but winning. Always remember that."

Arthur understood her meaning and could only lower his head slightly to her. "Thanks for your teaching," he said with sincerity and honesty.

"Something tells me you don\'t need my teachings at all…" she suddenly paused before releasing a heart charming laugh, "why would that be… perhaps you aren\'t the one you claim to be, right?"

She laughed before vanishing inside the portal, leaving Arthur behind not knowing what to say to her. He raised his head and watched her disappear before the portal closed.

And with this the war that started here finally came to an end.

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