Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 883 - The Alien Higher Energy

At least their defeat wouldn\'t taste this bitter. At least they wouldn\'t die with such deep regret and endless rage.

Everyone lost hope, and Arthur was the only one standing against the incoming three terrifying auras all alone. He knew as well what he was doing wouldn\'t help, but he couldn\'t just sit there and do nothing.

He knew he got this chance, this technique on this time for a purpose. He couldn\'t just have such power to lose it when he died here.

It made no sense at all. If he wasn\'t meant to do something with it, then why in the first place did he get it?

"I\'m… missing something!!" all of sudden this sudden realization hit him from where he didn\'t know where. He turned around and tried to see what he missed, however he couldn\'t find anything to help.

Everything looked as bad as it should be at this moment.. The white energy was trying its best to suppress and antagonize the dark one but with no avail.

He couldn\'t see a single hope here. There was no silver lining anywhere he checked. Everything seemed heading directly towards one end, his end.

But he didn\'t stop trying. He had nothing else to do.

"I should gather up the energy first," as directly clashing with the fierce dark energy around the portals failed, he decided to gather as much as he could first.

His only hope now was that he would gather enough energy to smash these damned portals and could shred them into pieces before anyone could cross here.

And so instead of directing all the energy towards the portals, he started to gather them up.

And a typhoon started to form all around him the next instant.

"More… Keep coming…" he gritted his teeth while trying to race against time here. He was gathering every single ounce of white energy he could see. From far or near, he didn\'t stop attracting and controlling them all to circulate around him.

At the same time, the pillar of white light descending over head from the punishment of that dark angel mage kept getting thicker instead of wearing off.

It was negligent at first, but after a few minutes he felt weird. The pillar should grow weaker with time, not stronger.

He never thought heaven punishment against that dark angel mage would be this fierce. However he couldn\'t complain either, after all that thick pillar of white light was greatly helping him now.

And he didn\'t imagine this pillar of light would have another purpose other than this.

The moment he gathered up enough energy and the pillar of white light seemed to grow thicker and denser to the degree he doubted it could hold the sky alone, he spotted something new.

It wasn\'t on the ground, and surely it wasn\'t in the air. The first thing he noticed was that flash of light crossing fast and attracting his attention.

As he followed its course, he finally ended at the place where the portal that dark angel mage summoned. The portal that was eaten away by the world will help.

There he spotted a strange influx of energy. At first he thought it all came from this world, but with more focus he noticed all the energy came from the outside.

Their color, pattern, and caliber... all pointed out that they came from a place outside this world.

"How come... and it\'s a white light... interesting!`` At this moment of despair, he chose to believe that this portal was here to help and not to add more to his misery.

After all he was about to hit the rock bottom and doubted anything would make any difference now.

As he noticed it, he couldn\'t help but move his eyes up and down. The three portals were still expanding, while his light energy kept hammering it with all its might with no avail.

"What would happen if..." he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Without any delay he raised both swords high in the air before he started to focus his control over the high up energy.

It wasn\'t from this world, like the one surrounding the three portals now. However that didn\'t mean he couldn\'t control it. After all he failed so far to crush that dark energy around the portal thanks to the disparity in the quality and rank between the two energies clashing together.

And now he had such a chance to drive this energy which came from he didn\'t know where. He didn\'t have any time to worry about that, he had to survive and make sure everyone else did the same.

After that if he was lucky enough to remain alive then he would consider the situation and try to adapt.

"C\'mon!!!" he even shouted while trying to control that energy. The pillar of white light did a marvellous job at this moment to help and link him with that energy.

He could feel how pure and mighty it was. "It\'s not from this world as expected," he muttered while not caring about the place it came from.

He tried to move it, push it to land and circulate around him. At first he felt like hitting a mighty mountain with bare fists, nothing happened to this energy.

However he persisted. He kept trying until that energy started to react slowly to him.

It was slow, so slow at first. But under his persistence the energy started to come down, sending a wisp towards him.

He did his best to keep that line coming down from above intact. He knew he would need a long time to tame such high energy. But he had another plan other than this.

Things got attracted to the opposite nature of each other. He planned to do that. He intended to make the two energies clash, hoping the alien white energy would be on par with that dark energy around the portals or even better.

This was his only path to survive. He knew this wouldn\'t be enough to crush the already huge portals, but he could slowly eat them away.

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