Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 876 - THE MOST IMPORTANT CHAPTER IN THE NOVEL: Understanding Everything

Arthur couldn\'t think too much at this moment. Despite being surrounded by fighting allies and enemies, he wasn\'t caring about that at all.

He knew if he didn\'t get a handle on his newly acquired power, he would be done for. Everyone would be done for.

Something kept nagging him about this power, about its timing and everything. Something kept telling him that having this power wouldn\'t be a coincidence, not at all.

He was meant to gain such strength at such a moment to do something great. He knew it. He could already sniff it, the fingerprints of fate all over this.

As for his system, he trusted him a long time ago. His system never failed him and so he didn\'t hesitate to move out and do as the system suggested..

The moment he closed his eyes and started to regulate his breaths, he felt like entering a strange state of mind.

"This…" he was instantly overwhelmed by what he was feeling at the moment. It wasn\'t a normal state, it was the absolute godly state of mind and soul.

Things that he didn\'t get before started to be clear in front of his mind. This power wasn\'t meant for him to fight and kill anyone, but it was meant for him to control everything.

If he could control even the weakest form of energy in the world, why would he ever be bothered to fight? To move a finger and kill his enemies while he could simply cut off their energy supply from the entire world?

At this moment he realized how deeply wrong he was before. How deeply wrong this world felt towards the way power was harnessed here.

In fact it wasn\'t any different than his cultivation world. Mages weren\'t people using the demon\'s energy to gain strength. They took power from the world itself.

And so the presence of the world\'s will started to make sense now. Someone had to be there to judge and rule over everything. Someone had to be present to enforce law and maintain balance.

As such he realized another fact that was clouded from his mind before, the reason why any world he visited he could get the help and support from the world\'s will there.

Why at some worlds the dark forces tried to eliminate the world\'s will there or even succeeded in doing so. The dark forces knew this secret, everything was controlled by the world\'s will.

The world\'s will wasn\'t a god, but an agent for heaven working to maintain balance. Those dark forces aimed and thrived to imbalance this, and it made only sense now why they always targeted the world\'s wills all around the universe.

They aimed to strike at the heart of their enemies without their enemies even realizing this. Arthur started to feel more awe towards such a strategy and now he started to have a glimpse about why he was sent here in the first place.

He wasn\'t meant to be punished, not at all. Heavens didn\'t want to pressure and contain him. In fact he now saw things in a different light, and in such a purely high mental state he could link all the scattered dots together.

He was here to return balance to a universe on the verge of losing it!

He now knew he was the only one capable of doing so. People on the light side here never thought of such a possibility before, that things weren\'t given to them by demons but by the world.

If they ever considered this, they would have gone towards a totally different path in power. Something he knew would resemble the cultivation world he was living in before.

"So… every world is just a copy of the cultivation world," he couldn\'t help but take a deep breath while marveling about this grand plan of heavens, of fate.

"And I\'m at the heart of this. I\'m not punished but given a trial to save a universe from being destroyed," he muttered while feeling more intimidation towards this trial.

It wasn\'t a simple trial against heaven, it was a crusade on the side of heaven. He wasn\'t sent here to be exiled or even tested, he was sent here as a strong ally, a soldier worthy to participate in such a sacred war.

A war that he never imagined to exist before.

A war on a totally different scale than any other war he took part in.

"So my journey would end here, not this simply," he realized how long the path in front of him was. He thought if he managed to rise up he would end up in his old world.

He started to get this belief not long ago. However now he knew he was mistaken. He was never meant to go back. He even doubted if he won this war he would be able to return to his old world, to live a peaceful life ever again.

Once a soldier of heaven would remain a soldier of heaven. Wars never end, and he was thrown in the heart of it as the main protagonist.

Something he didn\'t know if he should laugh or cry over it. He was the man who brought this on himself. He was the man who thought high and mighty of his abilities, and desired and craved for more.

His ambition was the thing that brought him here. And now he had to make a hard choice, a choice of his life.

Would he remain here and fight? Or would he just surrender and die?

To live or die, that was the par biforked in front of him at the moment. That was why he was granted such power at this time, and why secrets were finally unveiled in front of him.

"I… will always remain true to my beliefs," he took a deep breath before starting to incite his own ritual words, "I… will always be true to myself… I will always be on the side of the right and won\'t turn my back after coming this far!"

He took his decision and without any warning, a rumble sound echoed inside his body and soul. It seemed like something was blocked and had been removed, and the next instant he was forced to jolt himself awake.

And all the noises and disturbance in the world from before were gone!

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