Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 790 - Let's Prepare A Grand Party

***Special Note: Thanks for <<<< Ryujen75 >>>> for his exceptional support to the novel by gifting Golden Tickets to it. Also great thanks for <<<< Corey_Fulmore >>>> for his great support by gifting Golden Tickets to the novel. I\'m really excited to write more chapters now. This chapter is dedicated for the two of them***

"Do you have any info regarding them?" Doaf amusingly asked, "like their numbers, their identity, their strength, and approximately how long before they reach here."

Amera took a deep breath before answering with the few she knew, "they are those traitors who wreaked havoc inside the city."

"They ran away?" Doaf was surprised as he raised one eyebrow when heard that.

"My grandmaster said they all turned around and ran away," she said, "and she didn\'t know why until I sent her a bird\'s wing just now."

"Hmm... Interesting," Doaf played with his chin with his index and thumb before adding, "how long since that happened?"

"Couple hours ago," Amera answered, "they should be on their way here."

"That\'s... strange," Doaf seemed quite puzzled by this, "we just hit here an hour ago. That means they knew about our plans and anticipated our victory."

"Oh," Amera realized the mistake here, "perhaps they acted like a failsafe measure, just in case we did something unexpected."

"Like... winning the lycans here?" Doaf couldn\'t help but laugh, "yeah, sounds typical thinking for someone paranoid of us."

"Or someone who had a lot to lose if we succeeded," Amera added another possibility, "whatever the reason is, we have to prepare a warm grand welcoming party for them."

Doaf smirked evilly before saying, "that\'s exactly what I have in mind. What do you think? Should we host it here?"

"My grandmaster is already on the move," Amera said, "and she could be very fast if she is impatient."

Doaf gave her a questionable glance before she added:

"It\'s better to welcome them earlier, far away from here."

She turned around to see the shining star Arthur turned into, "at least we can\'t risk anything funny while he isn\'t finished yet."

"Yeah," Doaf nodded, "you got a point here."

He then turned around before pointing towards the direction of a far mountain. "We can use that as a feast place, what do you think?"

"It sounds cool," she nodded, "but it\'s not on the route for those traitors."

"We can simply send an invitation card," Doaf sneered and she could only laugh as she nodded.

"I like that idea more and more," she said, "alright, let\'s go and prepare our welcoming party."

"What about him?" Doaf stopped her before adding, "what about here?"

"Well," Amera motioned with her head towards the terrifying octopus monster, "I doubt anything could touch him with that beast around."

Doaf glanced in hesitation for a few moments towards that monster before he decided to leave part of his forces behind.

After all, what Arthur was doing now would determine the final outcome of this prolonged war.

The two got separated for an hour before they regrouped again. Each led their surviving forces towards the mountain miles away from here.

Despite all that fight, the faces of the combined forces showed their determination and excitement for that fight.

That recent overwhelming victory refreshed their souls and made them feel invincible. It was a very sweet intoxicating feeling which made them forget about their losses and even their wounds.

"We should send out our invitation cards now," Amera said as they drew closer to that mountain peak, "if my calculations are right, they should be two hours away from us."

"This fast?" Doaf was surprised, "I thought they might take four to five more hours to arrive."

"Don\'t forget we came all this way through fighting," she reminded him, "but they will only run straight towards here."

"Makes sense," Doaf nodded, "a hundred of each force, what do you think?" he turned around and glanced at the forces the two led.

The number dwarfed from tens of thousands to barely ten thousand mage. If not for the forces Doaf held secured inside his hidden world, this number wouldn\'t even exceed a couple of thousands at most.

"Well... Don\'t be stingy," she laughed, "we have to welcome our guests in a grand way."

"Don\'t tell me we are going to send everyone off," he chuckled while adding, "this is the grandest way I can think of."

"No, a thousand each is enough," Amera said, "they will get them the invitation and guide them towards our way."

"Good," Doaf then checked the mountain in front of him. It wasn\'t that grandiose or something, only its peak rose a couple of hundred of meters off the surface.

For him he would prefer to call it a hill, a slightly giant one to be fair.

"What do you have in mind for the feast?" he asked while pointing towards some caves, "should we prepare these for their stay?"

"Indeed," she nodded, "our guests should always be comfortable in their stay here. Good and spacious rooms like these will be excellent."

Doaf nodded in contempt before asking, "what about some fireworks?"

"They are mandatory," Amera nodded, "also we need many protective arrays. It would be rude if they got attacked or injured under our protection."

"Yeah, it will be mean of us to neglect that point," he laughed and she joined him in laughing out loud.

The two seemed to enjoy their preparations while their trusted men kept their silence while exchanging silent glances between each other.

They never saw their superiors this excited about a fight for a long time already.

"Alright, let\'s send our envoys out first," Doaf said, "then we will get ourselves busy preparing for this grand party."

Amera evilly smirked before adding, "I bet it will be the party of the century."

"I feel the same as well."

The two laughed together before each started to arrange their ranks. In less than ten minutes, two thousand mages flew fast towards the direction of the city while holding one message only.

An invitation to come here and join the fun the two started organizing with the help of their men.

Amera didn\'t forget to inform Aemie about their plans. As Aemie read the bird\'s wing, she couldn\'t help but laugh before writing back to Amera.

"Let\'s accelerate boys," she shouted at her army of mages around, "or else we will miss a great party ahead of us."

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