Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 495 - The First Supreme Weapon Is Ready

"Now, it\'s your turn," he said before pointing towards another empty region, "we\'ll work there. For the warrior team they have to move the bones in groups, each group contains the three long bones and the smaller bones ready to use."

He paused before stressing, "don\'t mix things up, make sure you take the same bones belonging to the same monster, alright?"

He then led the other two teams towards the empty area. "We\'ll start working here," he said before another container appeared filled with green blood, "and we will use this blood in everything."

"What will we do?" one of the array making team asked.

"First," Arthur said while taking the first batch of bones and went to a place as he added, "we\'ll arrange the short bones in this twelve star formation around the long ones."

He started placing the long bone in the center, and then distributed the smaller bones around it in a twelve star formation.

"We have three long bones of each monster, so four monsters are needed to make a big twelve star formation," he added while going towards another spot and started arranging the bones there. "Make sure each single monster\'s short bones are equally distributed among the three long bones. Now go and start making the formation," he said while finishing placing the second bone and then he started observing the others.

As he was working in one array, they finished everything in no time. "Move this group silighty to the north, yup that\'s good," he gave some pointers here and there before everything was done the way he wanted.

"Now place the flags and runes in the center, also place a flag and a group of runes just next to each single bone formation," he moved to the next point.

"Arrange them around the bone in twelve formation also?" one of the array team asked, making him realize a new area to upgrade this array. "Sure," he nodded before watching everyone working fast.

When they finished, he glanced over the diagram team. "Now use the blood and move to draw the diagram on the ground," he then turned to the array team before adding, "also cover the bones, flags, and runes with this blood."

This didn\'t take longer than five minutes, and everything was finally over.

"Great," he finally turned towards the warrior team, "your turn is up."

The moment he said this, their faces clenched. They all knew how big this responsibility was, to be the one to determine the success and failure of everyone\'s efforts.

"Don\'t be this nervous," he laughed before adding, "this isn\'t that big of a deal after all. All I need from you is to exert enough power using your gloves towards the array, alright?"

He then turned to face the array team before adding, "I also want an equal group of you to control the array."

"How much, lord?" one of the warriors asked.

"Hmm…" this was a tough question to ask, "let\'s start with fifty from each group and see the result."

At once fifty volunteered from each group. They were arranged in a big circle around the array. "Now each go inside and leave a blood drop over the central flag," he said before adding, "also leave blood at outer flags."

He just wanted to be sure things wouldn\'t go out of control here. His one hundred man team moved inside and did exactly as he said.

When they returned to their places, the entire world around ushered under heavy pressure. Everyone was glancing here, watching what their lord was doing in such a complicated way.

"All listen to me, say this simple word and be ready to push your entire energy out… Activate."


The next moment hundred voices came in at the same time saying the same word, and as they said it things started to change like before.

For him he wasn\'t surprised, yet for others they were greatly startled. Especially those already stressful fifty warriors from before.

"Focus, this is normal, not a mistake," Arthur noticed their reactions and shouted at them, "start feeling the link with the array, and infuse energy to that link."

He waited patiently for a couple of minutes before a crushing force appeared inside the array, making him quite relieved.

"Ron," he suddenly shouted, "go and bring some meat to them, and arrange some to help provide them with meat if they needed it."

"Right away," Ron took Madly, and Ouly with him, while the others stood silently watching in amazed glances what was going on here.

"Impressive," Gor was the first to speak after five minutes, "the entire array is absorbing the energy and storing it."

"The Ley Lines diagram is activating the absorption and storing process in such a unique way, that\'s a great concept!" Deem muttered after more minutes.

"This energy… it can produce a devastational attack over anything," Amelia was the first to comment over the strength of the array.

"I\'m sure even those masters won\'t survive a single hit of such monstrous array," Randy muttered before adding, "no one can stand this array, not a single foe, hehehe."

He was excited as others were by the tyranny of this array. Arthur stood on the side glancing and observing everything, and from their words he managed to crack many secrets of this array he innovated.

Yet his main focus was over the one hundred group and their reaction with the array. It took them one hour to complete the array, and they needed to eat meat twice in this time.

"Sigh, I can\'t decrease their numbers," he muttered as this seemed the optimal numbers to be used to control such a monstrous array. "Then…" he turned to glance at the others standing behind, "only three to four more teams can be formed… not that bad actually."

He glanced at others and laughed at their shocked expressions. The array was now in the stage of transforming, and that made others standing on the edge of it feel strange.

"Is there something wrong?" Amelia asked what others had in mind, as he once wrongly thought.

"No, everything is fine," he smiled before adding, "it will take another hour to be completed. So, we need to keep making more."

"More of this?" Randy pointed in disbelief towards the array, "can we really make more?"

"Hahaha, just glance around, I\'ve already planned to make as many as possible of this array," he said before adding, "come, or do you prefer to stay here?"

"We\'ll stay here," Amelia said as everyone nodded in unison.

"Sigh, I need more to kill these monsters then," he muttered before turning to leave while assigning this little task to his system.

He retreated and started arranging others to make more bones, runes, and start forming more arrays before the first one was finally completed. Everyone was so much interested in testing it, yet he denied.

"This isn\'t a toy," he stored the array after assessing its quality, "this isn\'t bad everyone, but next time try to exert more energy. The ratio will be two thirds warriors and one third rune makers. This way we will make sure to contain as much energy as possible, alright?"

Everyone nodded, while five teams started working on this mighty array, while his top team kept watching in daze every time the heaven and earth stirred with the array.

And since this moment, the first supreme weapon he and his empire had was born in this place and in such a way; one of many that would help to shape his legendary future from now on.

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